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Three days passed in them fooling one another. They watched movies all day and at night they enjoyed the market and sea .

Not to forget the amount of sex they had following days in different corners of the room .

One night taehyung hugged jungkook close to sleep as usual having a nightmare where he mumbled something in French . Other nights he kicked jungkook out only to come after few minutes to have sex on coach .

Everything about the duo is just crazy and beyond anyone 's imagination.

Jungkook promised himself not to ask any questions related to other 's past . As it should never be his concern. He will be leaving other soon so no point of trying to change.

" you are really handsome " taehyung said admiring jungkook 's face.

Jungkook dropped the spoon and gave him a weird smile .

" you don't have to say that aloud " jungkook added wiping his lips clean with napkin.

" you know I love collecting beautiful things " taehyung added eyes not leaving older.

" Iam not a thing taehyung " jungkook mentally rolled his eyes on the comment . He had enough explaining younger that he can never be his.

" I never said I'll treat you like a trophy and keep it in my showcase " taehyung said and went back to the eating. He picked a piece of meat and placed it on the tongue slowly .

" you are collecting memories keep that in your showcase " jungkook said but received a slow hum.

Just then he received a call from one of his men from France. He previously warned them not to call him unless there is an emergency .

" yes Simon " taehyung picked the call .

" no tie him and give him a third degree torture. Also make sure his wife isnt stretching her mouth anywhere about this " taehyung said twisting fork in his hand.

" don't... just pluck two or three of nails and burn his thighs with hot metal.. rest I'll manage once Iam back " taehyung said sliding his phone back on table .

" you dont hesitate before killing people do you " jungkook asked not finding this entire torture thing cool .

" to reduce the crime rates of the world atleast someone should take a lead "taehyung spoke as if he is doing a favour.

" that's a definite lie.. you arent contributing any thing better to this universe by killing people mercilessly "jungkook chuckled harshly .

" there are bad people " taehyung justified.

" because they are against your dad " jungkook added with a shrug .

" they should be minding their own business then butting on others " taehyung gritted his teeth hitting spoon to the table.

There was a silence for a minute as jungkook was contemplating to speak some thing. More like ask with one leg in his grave.

" what will you do to me if you find me betraying you " jungkook asked with a deep breath .

Taehyung stopped eating all for once and took a better look of older , as if he is studying .

" you are planning on betraying Kim's in any way "taehyung asked not finding a suitable answer .

" Iam curious ... take it as a question " jungkook said tapping his nails on the table.

" I'll cut your fingers first then you hands and later legs . Lastly I'll let my dogs have you as their meal "taehyung said without any hesitation. Without any fear and contemplation.

ONLY IF IT WAS YOU ♤VKOOK FF♤√Where stories live. Discover now