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To tell those who are expecting pregnancy, Iam really sorry to disappoint you but I have planned to not get taehyung pregnant this soon ! It will ruin the plot and the fun yet to come <3

      If you're gonna treat            me right

      I'll take you to heaven every night

      But God forbid you leave me by myself

      I'll take you to hell
Take you to hell.

Jungkook was pulled in the corner by his dad with a glint of mischief and excitement.

" you really lured that Kim to circle around you " he spoke in victory.

Jungkook swore he never saw his dad this happy before . He was acting all like a proud father and that is for some great cash. He can do anything to fill his account with billions .

If Kim will end up becoming their alliance then there is going to be no stop on demanding better collaborations . With this their share value in the market will rocket up and his dream of seeing his company on top will be fulfilled .

" it's nothing as such .. what are you talking dad" jungkook quickly composed hismlef from showing the disbelief.

" I saw something I shouldn't have " he said quirking his brow .

" taehyung is just crazy .. don't start building castles now ... you should be sticking to your promise when Iam doing what you asked for " jungkook pushed his dad aside but the old man was quick to stop his son from taking away his dream .

" I have seen love for you in his eyes " he said trying to emotionally capture him in the trap .

" you should see how he treats his weapons and enemies ... especially when anyone betray him . . His love for torture will be enough for you to change  brain in second.. and if he will get to know what you are plotting I swear dad i have to travel entire France to collect your body parts ... as he is sadist and never stops... that's enough for today " jungkook said patting his dad 's shoulder.

" good night" jungkook didn't stop to see his dad's expression.

It's not hard to love taehyung.. it's easy and beautiful.. the ugly part is he treats every other living creature as a thing and you never know when he will discard them .

But what jungkook dont know is the fact of how different and important he is in taehyung 's world.

Taehyung kicked his shoes and grabbed a drink to get rid of the exhaustion. He chugged a glass and carried a can of beer to his room .

There in corner laid the bag which he forgot to unpack amidst the chaos of previous night .

He threw the clothes on chair And grabbed the diary . Where he made a list of things he wish to do .

Candle light dinner

The only thing that failed to happen in Hawaii. The hustle of coming back wiped every other thing he wished to do.

ONLY IF IT WAS YOU ♤VKOOK FF♤√Where stories live. Discover now