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The breakfast was quite except for occasional clinks of cutlery as they collided against one another .

Jeons belief was in not talking while having meals as they simply are bad omen .

Jeon jaehyun was having hard time controlling his tongue who was about to slip anytime soon.

Once the plates were emptied , jeons gathered in the hall to discuss something important. Which jungkook guessed it to be his departure. He occasionally glanced at his wife to see the distress on her face.

Ga young hated being around her in laws as they simply hated for not giving heir . They made her feel guilty , useless and a piece of rag for being the daughter of one of jeon 's maid .

" gayoung daughter, you must stay strong at the time as such " Mrs jeon showed sympathy that was enough for anyone to tell that she just pulled a facade .

Gayoung looked at her in amusement .the tongue which always spilled curses for her were now speaking words of sympathy ... fake it is but still it felt new .

" she should stay strong now... After all she can't even give happiness to my son ... " jaehyun said flipping the pages of the magazine . Tears formed in her eyes which angered jungkook but he couldn't say anything as his dad waa already blaming him for the previous day's loss .

" dad... can you tell why we are gathered here today " jungkook asked changing the subject.

Serena, jungkook 's mother rolled her eyes sensing Jungkook 's protectiveness .

" so did you book the tickets " jaehyun asked now looking at his son .

" no... I.. I'll book them today ... I need to speak to gayoung about it " jungkook said. He assured her with an eye contact that he will tell her everything  later.

" what do you mean by that ... alphas don't need to ask anyone before going anywhere ... it's simple law .. where is your brain these days " jaehyun growled making jungkook clench his fists.

"Okay ... we Will go home and pack stuffs .." Jungkook said raising himself as he gestured gayoung to stand up .

" your omega isn t going anywhere " Serena said as she sipped her tea form the costliest China cup.

" what will she do there anyways... cry and make you sad " jaehyun said .

" dad ... you clearly know I can't stay without her ... please let her accompany me " jungkook pleaded.

" Serena tell your son that i hate repeating my words. " jaehyun said calmly not looking at his son for once .

" dad... please you can't.."

" it's okay junggoo... I can stay here by myself " gayoung said forcing a smile on her lips .

The duo left older couple who looked at the retreating figures with frown.

" junggooo..  she has my son wrapped around her fingers " Serena said mimicking her daughter in law.

The whole fly to Paris was heart breaking to jungkook as he couldn't forget her wife 's tear stained face trying to give a beautiful smile to him .

All he has had to was to pour his anger on Matilda for her every mistakes and non mistakes . Poor lady flinched all the way to Paris.


Taehyung had his lavish breakfast in one of his favourite restaurants in Paris accompanied by Jimin. He smoked a stick and looked around to see a couple snogging in the corner . His lips curled in curiosity thinking what's actually good in eating one another 's lips . The saliva getting mixed, who knows what one might have had in breakfast . He simply concluded by stating the process as transmission of bacteria.

He jinked his head to see his best friend smiling at the mobile  screen widely . He noted the expression, shy smile,  some giggles and a fake frown at the end .

" he makes you feverish " taehyung asked pointing his finger to younger 's phone. He knew the reason why other denied going to club.

" what ... no " Jimin said hiding his phone in the coat 's pocket.

" your cheeks are red... and you are smiling like idiot " taehyung said looking at his friend with disgust .

" don't give me that look ... it's not disgusting at all ... it's a wonderful feeling " Jimin said .

" what... wonderful... look over there, you think transferring of bacteraias wonderful.." Taehyung pointed his finger towards the couple who were still snogging.

" it's because they love or like one another.... not everyone are like you ... " Jimin said sipping on his milk tea .

" I know Iam different and Iam happy the way iam... and I don't think snogging is gonna make me happy... look at them ... How disgusting they are " taehyung cringed at the couple again.

" stop pointing your finger ... " Jimin said pulling other's pointed finger .

" you should try kissing sometimes ... Iam sure you will love it " jimin said kissing the air .

" heard love is drug .. and I Kim taehyung don't do drugs " taehyung said flipping his hairs .

" kim taehyung only knows how to kill people ... I know I know " Jimin said sipping on the straw.

" I hate getting dominated and alphas stinks..." Taehyung said looking outside the window .

" not all alphas stink.. its just you didn't meet the right one to widen your eyes and part your lips ." Jimin said teasing the other .

" aren't you running your mouth a lot lately " taehyung glared at younger who bowed with sorry.

Taehyung checked on his men on the way to his dad's office. 

If one tells taehyung only knows how to kill people then they aren't wrong... Taehyung only knows how to run guns and torture people other than Kim taehyung is illiterate.

He twisted his neck couple of times before entering into his dad's office .

" morning dad .. " taehyung said . Soon his eyes landed on the handsome korean alpha sitting on the coach leg on leg looking at him curiously .

" oh là là" he whispered observing the features of good looking alpha.

" meet mr. Jeon jungkook, CEO of jeon inc. From Korea " sunghoon said .

" my son and my only reason for exustnace,  Kim taehyung " sunghoon said .

Taehyung walked towards the other man arrogantly.

" how am i suppose to greet you.. handshake or kiss on cheeks ... don't expect me to bow please " taehyung said looking at the other intently . Uncomfortable silence fell in the room, for jungkook he wished to disapparate from the place.

" ill go with handshake " jungkook said raising himself from the seat and shaking hands with younger. 

".. Iam having a grand opening of new hotel  and I wish to have you there in party until unless korean people believe In going to bed on eight " taehyung said making sunghoon chortle.

" Mr jeon, I think you need to be there... we can discuss business some other time " sunghoon suggested .

" I'll be there only if I prefer to stay awake after eight " jungkook retaliated looking at the omega who chuckled and stared at him.

" see you tonight then.... au revoir" taehyung winked at other before leaving the office .

A/N: okay!! I'm enjoying writing this book . Let's see how far it goes .

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