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Jungkook was fiddling with his phone , thinking of the possibilities on how worse death he would meet if he rejects taehyung 's offer .

He was all set ready to do anything to save his home , to write his name under power .

But now he was scared and terrified . He don't know why his heart was beating so hard that he can faint from the speed .

The eyes of the omega danced infront of his sight tempting him to come. Definitely the devil playing his role ...

The smile of gayoung invaded his senses motionaning him to come to her .. Definitely  the angel showing where he belongs to ..

The phone in his grip vibrated seizing his attention.

" evening  dad .. are  you not on bed yet " jungkook asked standing up on his knees.

" had a party to attend and am still enjoying it " he can hear his dad's hoarse voice .

" great " jungkook was always left speechless by his dad and now omega has joined the list .

" I called to keep a tab on the progress " his dad demanded.

" things will be better soon " jungkook said thinking twice .

" I hope so ... I know you never disappoint me " jungkook wanted to laugh at the compliment 'cause it sounded so fake coming from his father 's mouth.

" and I hope you will never disappoint me either ... do what Kim's want " his dad announced and as usual he said 'yes' .

He can hear the faint opera music being played at back,  The one gayoung enjoyed .

" well night then " his dad disconnected the call .

Jungkook sat on bed clutching his head tight  and next,  He was on steps ready to take a step that can  fix one thing but can  ruin another . Right now if you ask ,all of his focus on the fixing and he will do it tonight by breaking himself.

Taehyung gave him a bright smile letting him in .

Jungkook has lost the  count on how many times Paris has amazed him . Indeed , taehyung 's penthouse is the bestest house he has ever witnessed.

" welcome " taehyung chirped sitting on the couch .

Jungkook understood that younger was quite in good mood . The white shirt was sweats was doing justice to his beauty.

" you live alone " jungkook asked .

" Jimin sometime stay with me but it's me alone most of the time " taehyung said making place for jungkook to sit .

" who is Jimin ... sounds korean " jungkook asked.

" he is my friend since 6 years ... ugh!  I dont remember the numbers and yes he is korean " taehyung said walking towards the bar gesturing jungkook to follow.

" you are the third person to come to my house after dad and Jimin " taehyung said.

" it's an honour." Jungkook bowed a little.

" I trust you " taehyung said looking into other 's eyes.

" you trust me ... it's been a week we know one another "jungkook was confused on whether to believe other's words or not .

" I don't know how it actually works ... but I think I trust you now that you are at my place " taehyung said trying to explain the logic.

" you are confusing "jungkook said shaking his head .

" what part of me is confusing " taehyung asked picking a bottle of wine from cellar .

" I don't  wanna die "jungkook chuckled .

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