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Supression is hard when it comes to alphas and jungkook very well knew how he was enduring it . His brain was filled with questions . This is the first time in jungkook 's life that he is learning how to not dig for answers 'cause it will lead to digging his own grave .


His every day is coming to him as a surprise, as an adventure.

He brushed back his hairs and fixed them by rolling his sunglasses up .

Taehyung was scribbling  something in his book .

Might be plotting a murder.

" lets go " taehyung said closing the book and gesturing other to stand .

" where to this time " jungkook asked. He just wanted to chill on couch or probably go for shopping .

" mountains " taehyung winked excitedly.

" I hate high places so please manage without me" jungkook said not bothering to get up .

" don't induce me to do something I shouldnt " taehyung warned showing a finger .

The people sitting next to them where now focusing on them than food .

" you cant  force me into everything " jungkook said in low voice .

" I very well can.. and you know it ... stop being stubbornous and get up " taehyung gestured other .

Jungkook wanted to hide in burrow . The people around him were looking at him weirdly .

" stop draining my energy jungkook " taehyung said boringly and he looked close to getting exploded.

Jungkook didn't say anything , just stood up and walked passing taehyung taehyung not forgetting to bump his shoulder hard on other 's body .

" what the hell jungkook " taehyung growled traipsing behind .

" this is the first and last time Iam taking your orders "

" stop boring me with that claim" taehyung rolled his eyes and took passenger seat closing the door harshly .

The top of the car was rolled giving a pleasant feel as air hit their faces .

Jungkook 's silence was bothering taehyung . He kept stealing glances of older ,trying to gain his attention .

Throughout his life he was called crazy for breaking omega stereotypes , for killing people ruthlessly ,for carrying a gun as a toy , for being tough and stoic.

When he first saw jungkook . He felt a sudden pull in his heart. A need of having cared and liked . His omega getting excited .

He never had any sort of relationships with alphas or betas . Morever he had some rules for himself that he never dared to go against .

Jungkook... this man is making him break all of them at once and see how it feels but he is scared or don't know how to break them as he grew up with them guarding him like soldiers .

" can you smile a bit now " taehyung asked observing older's sulken face .

" place gun on my temple and ask for it" jungkook gestured.

" why are you being cranky.. you were alright before " taehyung was ready to fight .

Jungkook signed but said nothing.  Taehyung kicked his leg hard to show he is irritated .this move was really childish for jungkook and he eventually planned to give up .

ONLY IF IT WAS YOU ♤VKOOK FF♤√Where stories live. Discover now