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Taehyung and Jimin just completed watching the last movie of 'wrong turn ' series when they were interrupted with a call.

" from work " taehyung said getting up from couch. He skipped a day because of the whole 'messed up ' thing.

" what " taehyung was surprised to know the information .

" what happened " Jimin look alarmed.

" jungkook 's dad wants to see me " taehyung shook his head .

" I think he took those pretty words from dinner close to his heart " taehyung threw a jacket over his tee.

" what did you say " Jimin asked getting ready .

" nothing unusual.. you gotta drive for me " taehyung tossed the keys to his friend. He still feels like he need some clearing .

Mr jeon looked restless upon the arrival of younger Kim. He fiddled with his fingers and dropped the cup of coffee in nervousness.

Jimin chuckled loudly at the scene. Taehyung gestured him to leave and he left quietly with a roll of eyes.

" hello sir " taehyung was surprised how the words dropped out from his mouth. He looked quite confident in this moment .

" I dont think we are here to sip coffee and have a chat on weather " taehyung teased the older man who looked nervous .

" you got it right " he said.

" I have a favour to ask. I might look pathetic having a talk with you than your father .. " jaehyun fiddled with his fingers .

" what is that " now taehyung was curious .

" can you take back the contract. Ill make sure jungkook isn t involved in any heinous acts " taehyung didn't like the way jaehyun spoke of jungkook.

" do you really think jungkook was charged right "

" I trust my son more than anyone but I believe your father 's words more " another way to win his heart .

" that is sad "

" please.. I have taken a huge loan from all the banks of Korea of one trillion won . I expected things would go perfect here and with the collaboration my stock price would touch the sky . The repayment date is soon and your dad promised to invest four trillion won on this project " he took a breath before continuing.

" my entire property in Korea will be seized and we will be left with nothing... please help me "

" i cant take such a big decision on my own . I have to talk to my dad " taehyung replied.

" please convince him " jaehyun got down on his knees folding his hands .

" raise up. " taehyung ordered .

" I can give you something in return of this favour "

" I dont need any assets " taehyung chuckled . He has Every thing he want.

" it's not an asset .. you can take my son.  I'll make sure  to get rid of that bitch gayoung " jaehyun said making taehyung smirk. It looked like a fair game now .

" oh.. you dont like her " taehyung asked .

" me and my wife we both dislike her "

" why did you offer me your son " taehyung asked .

" I know.. i know it all .. that day I saw you kissing " jaehyun said smugly .

" crap.. it's getting PDA now " first Jimin and now jaehyun.

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