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You all may think Iam rushing this part 3 after reading this chapter but man--- its chapter 47, they need some dressing!!

Taehyung looked adorable in pink cardigan and sweats beneath. He took slow steps as his doctor asked him to have a walk in morning.

So here he is, wishing to get invisible and avoid all the gazes he is showered on every morning. The locality he currently chose to have cradles few houses only atleast to a person who lived his entire life in bustling city.

Known as lee hansung--- moving from North of the country is his current identity he is living with. After what happened back there, he decided to drop his identity and move to Korea with different name. All thanks to Jimin and his boyfriend who made it easy for him.

Since Jimin is a social butterfly he made friends with every other person in their neighbourhood. One big thanks to his brain who chose to live bit away from people and close to woods.

He knowingly maintained five metres distance from his friend who was busy waving hands at every other human doing the very activity.

It didn't take much of time for them to reach the park, which was kinda filled with old people doing exercises.

He sat on a bench and rested his hand on his belly, caarssing it clockwise.

" I'll take the store today " Jimin said taking a seat next to him. Taehyung wanted to deny but he couldn't considering his situation.

" thank you" taehyung whispered and looked at his feet.

If he ever get to talk about the bestest human in his life--- without a doubt it's going to be Jimin. He wondered if younger had never supported him in his hardest phase he could've been dead, struggling.


Jimin tossed his cap on the counter and picked his phone to kill time till the business starts.

Bell chimed indicating a customer and he was too busy in game that it took him whole one minute to raise his head. Till then whoever the customer was disappeared behind racks.

It was too early to have more customers--- which include school students who swarm the store at lunch.

Then she appeared--- that one lady he never expected to see in his life. Ever.

" you---" she was quick to gasp looking at him.

" you are jungkook's friend aren't you " she asked.

Okay--- he is Jung kook 's friend at least to her then let it be like that.

" oh yes--- hey " Jimin waved his hand awkwardly.

" I didn't knew you belong to this place " she was amused.

" yes--- jungkook might have missed it. I moved here couple of months back" he wished to kill himself at this statement.

" I thought you knew about our separation " she threw him a doubtful gaze. Their interaction back in airport was quite friendly.

" Sep-- separation what" Jimin choked on his saliva gripping the counter hard.

" it's been months since then " she smiled sadly.

" actually--- I was busy " Jimin lied.

" I get it " gayoung said letting her eyes wonder around the store.

" if you don't mind--- how. How did it happen " Jimin asked. Even though he don't need to or maybe he wants to--- join things or maybe just to keep an information or maybe to know if Jung kook is dating some other person.  He dont know exactly why--- but he did.

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