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Jungkook halfheartedly packed his bags still not getting why is he even doing this.

Why is he even travelling to some other place with taehyung?

Why Kim sunghoon agreed on his little vacation?

What if he say no?  Will taehyung cancel their project?

Since he travelled to Paris all his mind is filled with are questions.

Of course taehyung will.

" just agree on this jungkook.. one month and you will be free "

He just hopes he dont die under the warm sun of Hawaii for the mistakes he is going to commit unintentionally.

The place where taehyung tortures men to get secrets out is swimming infront of his eyes . The damn crazy iron weapons bathed in dried blood and floor besmirched with crimson , everything is making his head spin .

" did you expect me sir " Matilda walked in as usual in her pencil skirt .

" ill be travelling to Hawaii for a week and I want you to cover up for me " jungkook ordered .

" you can tell Ma'am that you are in Hawaii,  she will never mind " Matilda suggested happily .

" did I ask your opinion " jungkook growled .

" sorry sir " Matilda bowed immediately.

" now go " jungkook ordered .

" so no work for a week " Matilda asked jumping on her place .

" no ... you will keep checking the progress of our project " jungkook said waving his hands and leaving her behind.

" I hope he die there " Matilda kicked the chair hard adjusting her glasses .

Jungkook was taken to Kims private jet where taehyung was waiting for him .

" welcome " taehyung hugged him once he was in .

" Iam feeling great today " taehyung said. He was looking cute in his peach coloured  and loose pants. He wasn't dressed like an alpha rather he looked small like Mochi.

" that's nice " ofcourse its nice for jungkook . This happy taehyung was giving him safe vibes not the one from night.

Jungkook sat down next to taehyung and fastened his seatbelts .

Taehyung grabbed other's hand and rested his head on strong biceps.

" I always wanted to travel abroad " taehyung said watching the buildings disappear under the cluster of clouds .

" you never did " jungkook asked in  amusement.

" never had a chance to .. I was always busy with work " taehyung said sadly .

" or you didn't had a person to go with " jungkook said without thinking twice.

Why is he even concerned ?

" kinda like that . .. dad and Jimin also were busy  all of the time" taehyung said drawing circles on his pants.

" are you not gonna miss working " jungkook asked.

" I dont know ... I will find some way there in Hawaii " taehyung said.

" taehyung no ... you aren't gonna kill people in Hawaii.." Jungkook shook his head with a thought of younger carrying the gun with him.

Taehyung looked at older with rage and there jungkook confirmed his death from getting thrown from a jet.

" I will try not to " taehyung smiled and went back to leaning on his bicep.

ONLY IF IT WAS YOU ♤VKOOK FF♤√Where stories live. Discover now