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Taehyung skipped stairs to the parking lot. He quickly got into car and rode towards work. He was oddly excited, this reminded him of the days when his dad gave him some good attention . He used to dance happily with smile .after all he barely had anyone in the big house. After bethelene 's tragic death he was lone soul lurking in the House full of arrogant maids.

Once again his stomach started acting up. At this moment he just wished to drive back to the amusement park and curse that wheel owner.

After getting rid of the uneasiness he felt light. He knows jungkook is in office either talking to his dad or in his place , working.

He pushed the door open to find it empty . Some tragic thoughts settled in his brain as he led his legs guide him to his dad's office .

His mouth released a quick breath when he found jungkook with his dad.

" can I expect some privacy taehyung " his dad regarded him arrogantly. He was bit mortified at this situation.

" Ian not here to disturb your boring talk " taehyung sat next to Jungkook.

" taehyung " his dad glared at him.

Unwillingly taehyung let his body lift from the chair leading himself outside.

" so where was I " sunghoon asked once taehyung was out of scene.

" we were discussing some new terms for the project " jungkook replied. He had his fingers tangled in fear. His dad made sure to call him early in the morning to give him a long ass speech on behaviour and silence.

" ah yes.. they are no new terms " sunghoon replied calmly . The storm that jungkook was waiting turned out to be a mere wave.

" sorry "

" just ... stay away from taehyung .. I dont want him to go haywire because of your existence " sunghoon warned. He has this knack of saying dangerous words in calm way. Anyone who is looking at this man from far can think they are having some borinh chat on politics.

" we are nothing sir " jungkook forced a sentence out .

" I know what happened between you two in Hawaii.. I also know you lied about your marital status which made him act like stupid Romeo for couple of days but all of sudden he is happy.. He forced me to give back the contract when he himself wanted to see your downfall .. I know what this craziness called ... what is it jungkook " sunghoon asked tapping his fingers on his desk .

" I.. don't know "

" it's love.. he is in love.. it took me years to make him strong and act against his instincts.. don't make him soft .. let him be how he is " sunghoon lifted his body up from the seat and pulled something from the locker .

" my son is ready to do everything you ask.. He is too whipped .. when I locked you up he went out of control .. now if you go out and start acting strange he will be suspicious.. be the same to him till you leave.. Its only a week after all " sunghoon said and pulled a blank cheque out and placed it ahead of Jung kook.

" mention your price to leave my son .. leave him to the point where the only thing he remembers is violence  .. I'll make sure your family is safe in Korea " sunghoon said and busied himself with his phone .

" you can leave but this conversation should stay between us " sunghoon said .

Jungkook hesitantly pulled the cheque and stuffed it in his pocket .

" I knew you would take it " sunghoon said .

After a knock taehyung entered and obseverd the faces intently .

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