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That's all he could feel and see. But he wasn't a bit scared, he let it happen because he wanted it from the very moment he decided his fate.

When all he could see was blank days coming forward. He wished to end his life. Every human being survive for tomorrow and he has no days to wait for better to happen as the better was somehow wiped out from his life or was never there for you since the beginning.

Even if he struggles to live he has to another pair of years to be spent in guilt.

Water filled his nostrils and he couldn't breathe. But he didn't struggle--- he waited to see how far he can go bearing the pain till he reaches death.

Is death really painful?

Somewhere in the corner he wanted to struggle back and try it another time. He fisted his hands to stop them from moving and going back to place.

He is known for accomplishing missions. He can never break it .

When he finally thought unconsciousness could take over him making his death easy a hand other than his jerked his body above making him gasp and cough the water out.

He couldn't figure what was happening apart from the fact that the pain he once felt was subsidising and he gasped for as much air to fill his lungs.

" are you crazy " he heard a familiar voice ring next to him.

" why would you do that" Jimin asked draping his figure with bathtowel.

He kept looking at the water he tried drowning himself in. He legs still burried. He wanted to slip in it again but know that there is friend next to him that's impossible.

" killing yourself for a man is not a story of bravery--- its what coward people do. I cant believe-- you Kim taehyung who is known for his power over people tried killing yourself for a man " Jimin was fuming in anger. He never saw other being angry like this.

" you don't know how it is to lose a person you love" taehyung cried , wiping his face.

" I lost my mother-- the only parent i had because of you. Your father killed him. I was only 10 then " he was shocked to hear this. Jimin never mentioned that ever.

" Bethlene was was her name. She died because of you " Jimin sais looking at his best friend. But he looked rather sad than accusing.

" aunt-- she. She was your mother " taehyung asked with difficulty . Jimin nodded wiping his tears.

" If i wished I could have killed you many years back when we decided to be friends. You father had no knowledge of it as her Korean name was jiwoo. I never--- I never hated you taehyung. Despite knowing why she died, I never ever despised you. So you--- just because you lost jungkook dont kill an innocent life. God is not always generous - the baby will be the reason for you to move on " Jimin explained. Taehyung too busy to process everything and cry.

" even if i want to I can never do that Jimin-- my father will ruin their life too " taehyung said looking down at his lap.

" I dont want that choice of living to be stolen from my baby " taehyung spoke.

" baby will have a strong parent like you and great uncle like me-- we will protect Angel " Jimin pulled his friend close.

" you don't know dad " taehyung said In a low voice.

" are you scared of him "

" of course-- he is good at manipulating and he is obsessed with me. He can kill my baby just for me to wipe out his illegal acts. He manipulated me in thinking he changed me for my best. I cant -- this is "

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