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Jungkook simply gawked at Jimin  who was rushing with doctors as the omega asked him to sit outside the Labor ward and wait. He barely had any idea on what's happening.

Then there was this one guy who was hugging Jimin as he concluded the man to be omega's boyfriend or husband---

But whoever he is why is he drilling holes in him as he is an enemy.

Jimin might have rubbed his temper on him.

Another conclusion he reached the moment was someone close to Jimin is in there. Because omega was panicking the whole time.

Jungkook scrolled through his social media and soon he his started getting droopy realising how late it is.

He considered himself as a fool to drag himself to daegu and wait outside the operation theatre for nothing.

When he decided to talk to Jimin the doctor emerged out of the room and gestured omega to follow behind. Soon the couple disappeared behind the close doors leaving him with no information.

Now this is great.

Jungkook grunted and rolled his eyes. Nothing was helping him to kill time .

" hey" Jung kook was snapped out of his moment by Jimin 's boyfriend or whoever related to Jimin.

" he is calling you in " jungkook stood up with a nod .

He had no idea why was he called in. He is quite sure this has nothing to do to him.

Jimin stood there cradling a baby in green cloth.


He smiled at the thought of seeing a baby. After all the wait isn't going in vain.

" how is she " Jimin asked pecking her forehead who scrunched his entire face for disturbing her sleep.

" pretty " jungkook whispered taking in every single feature of her.

" Angel " he whispered again.

" do you wanna hold her " he asked extending the baby towards him.

Of course he is dying to do it this moment. She looked peaceful that made him smile. He  for sure never smiled like these in past months.

He quickly held her close to his chest making Jimin chuckle lightly.

" I'll be there in minute" Jimin disappeared leaving him with baby.

" you are the prettiest. Your parents must be luckiest to have you in their lives " jungkook loved kids and now he can never ever be a father. But he decided to adopt one after couple of years now he himself is healing so he wont be able to give every thing to the baby.

Jimin came back after few minutes and took baby from his hands.

" whose baby is she " jungkook just wanted to congratulate the couple. He waa really eager to hold her again.

" mine " Jimin chuckled.

" what "

" okay bad joke " Jimin laughed " it's yours " he added and looked at his face.

" joke " jungkook was taken aback.

" of course " Jimin rolled his eyes and left with baby.

He took baby to taehyung was awake after a brief nap.

" look who is here " Jimin chirped making the other smile. Taehyung looked weak after going through one heck of time.

" told you it's worth it " Jimin chuckled extending the baby towards him.

ONLY IF IT WAS YOU ♤VKOOK FF♤√Where stories live. Discover now