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Taehyung was tapping his fingers on the steering wheel . It was dark outside and he was right outside the police station to rescuse his lover . Who apparently broke his heart yet the broken pieces yearns for him and he wants jungkook out of that shit hole as soon as possible .

He bribed the officers to let jungkook go and now all he has to do is get inside the building and bring other out with him .

After a one last deep breathe  he discharged all the nervousness and moved out to do what planned .

" sir . Everything is clear" the head in charge came to him and explained their position.

Just in a minute jungkook walked out with his blazer hanging of his left folded hand . He looked decade older than he already is. Disappointment and worry written on his face. He had his gaze locked on floor while some mild bruises adored his face.

" did you hit him " taehyung asked in anger but the words weren't loud for other to hear .

" he tried escaping upon reaching here so it was just a basic to get him down" the man gave him an apologetic look . Because he was asked to go rough by Kim sunghoon and his son is wanting exact opposite.

Jungkook dragged himself outside the building with taehyung close behind .

He was broken and hurt . This wasn't a good period to explain his position yet he wants to end everything in the place after all there is nothing left for him  anymore.

" taehyung i want to speak " jungkook said when he realised they are now in a kind of abandoned park . There was not a single soul apart from them . The street light sparing enough light to see each other 's faces .

" you don't need to thank me " taehyung forced a sentence out of him .words seemed to stop by his throat.

" Ian sorry.. Iam really sorry " jungkook apologised keeping his head low. He don't know if he was guilty or not but above everything he was tired. Deep down his heart asked him to fall on his knees apologise for the past ,mend the present and live future with taehyung.

" for ... for what " tears formed in taehyung 's eyes . His heart twisted in pain.

" for what i did with you . I lied to you over and over again . Ian sorry " jungkook still had his head bowed down .

Taehyung sniffed the tears . No he cant cry for jungkook anymore. He was just holding on a reason to hate Jung kook but other is guilty.. guilty for what happened. He has to give up that excuse to hate him . He has to hold on to something more worse .

If Jung kook is guilty that doesn't mean he wanna come back to him . He Will never do.. He can never be his ..

" stop ... don't say another word " taehyung said gripping other 's shoulders hard. He dug his fingers in the flesh of the crook.

" I have to .. tell me if I have to face worse to get your forgiveness " jungkook asked and taehyung realised older is crying .

" no .. just don't speak " taehyung attached their heads together . Both were looking down at their shoes.

They took good five minutes to compose themselves. Jungkook was first to back off .

" I have to leave " jungkook said and turned his back.

" stop " taehyung ordered .

" I haven't forgiven you yet " taehyung said clenching his fist.

Jungkook stopped and turned back . For the first time he raised his head to meet other 's eyes. They were red . His cheeks were stained in tears all his heart asked was to take a brave step and kiss the younger.

No more hopes ..

His brain stopped him from thinking further.

" why " jungkook whispered and he got an answer with taehyung 's lips on his .

He was not sure what's happening then he gave up. He melted like an ice pulling other close through waist and kissing like there is no moment after this. Like they don't have any shits to deal with . Like it's only them in this damn universe .

" I have to go " jungkook spoke when taehyung broke the kiss. It's the truth that he wanted more of that lips morever  he wanted those lips without guilt eating him in and out.

Taehyung attached their lips yet once again and jungkook gave up once again .

They kissed over and over with a word of not kissing again .

" i really have to go now taehyung " jungkook said and left other .

" it was not my plan to get you in jail " taehyung spoke. Shit ! He wasn't suppose to.

" really .. I thought you are done with one percent with this " jungkook chuckled. His wounds were making wince.

" no.. this is the trailer my dad wanted to show you " taehyung said pushing his hands in his pockets.

" when is the show " jungkook asked.

" I have to leave in few days " jungkook said .

" I can find you anywhere for revenge. You can never hide " taehyung chuckled litting a cigratte.

" I dont want to hide from you .. " jungkook said and once again shit ! He wasn't suppose to tell that .

Jungkook reached his hotel to find his weeping family in his room.

" son " Mr jeon was quick to hug him.

" Ian alright Iam alright.. i just want to rest.. we can talk in the morning okay " he hugged his mom and dismissed the couple. He is really exhausted and now have to bathe in antiseptic hell his entire body is aching .

" jungkook" gayoung held his arm .

" I have to wash . I can't talk to you now okay " jungkook assured the woman and disappeared in toilet .

Taehyung was tensed. He laid on the bed and soon felt a dip next to him .

" can't believe you did that " Jimin spoke.

" what did I do " taehyung asked.

" you freaking kissed him .. i saw it all " Jimin raised himself and covered his eyes with his hands .

" what were you doing there " taehyung asked immediately.

" I was there to get you then your car was parked outside the station but you weren't there .. I just followed my instincts and hell you two were eating each other like it's a damn ravioli " Jimin exclaimed.

Taehyung was flushed red . He was blushing more than he did few hours ago in park . Hell he didn't blush there but here he is all red.

" you shouldnt have done that " taehyung hit other .

" honestly for the very first in my life I found him hot and sexy ... I envy you " Jimin frowned .

" don't think much.. I have enough competition already " taehyung rolled his eyes .

" how was  he on bed by the way... Iam can say he was great by his physique " Jimin teased again.

" you dont need to know anything.. just go out "

" tell me a little please "

" go out "

" kissing is like transfer of bacterias .. you know that right.. be careful next time "

" jiminnnn"

A/N: I was quick write another one against my schedule!  By the way you guys don't need to worry about Jung kook not regretting and stuff. He is gonna pay a heavy price for what he did .

Thank you for all the love and I love you guys again

11 11 2022

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