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Mistakes are done by the people in common but the biggest mistake a man can ever do is underestimate its heart . The tiny piece of human body can control the entire mechanism in a heartbeat .

Taehyung felt a sudden weight on his heart . Like a heavy stone being dropped there without a warning .

The person rigid and tough gave up everything in a hug or atleast he felt so .

When he planned to scream ' look how I fooled you ' ended up sliding  the phone back into his  pocket and returned the hug with all of his might .

His heartbeat increasing each passing minute as tiny droplets of sweat formed on his forehead .

" Iam sorry for leaving you behind " jungkook said resting his forehead on the crook of taehyung 's head.

" I never meant to ... I wish i can catch them and hand them over to police " jungkook said with a tiny crack in his voice .

Taehyung wanted to scream and tell that man in balaclava was not for him but for another person living in same floor .

And also that all the time he was in the same building using a waiter's phone which he seized with threat.

He wanted to tell him its a joke , all that was lie. A lesson he wanted to teach older for not obeying him.

But he gave  up..

He gave  everything up in a hug .

He chose to stay silent for a hug .

He picked to lie for a mere attention and care.

Because he felt safe , comforted and peace.

It was like he found  everything he was in search for . Like its the end . There will no  bad story afterwards.. just happy one.

" do you remember their faces " jungkook asked breaking the hug but holding other 's body close to his body.

" I showed them what it is to  mess up with Kim taehyung " he lied. Which was too unusual for him . He never considered lieing. He chose to conceal his inner conflicts but not a lie . This is not him.

" iam so sorry taehyung . .." Jungkook said attaching their foreheads .

" I thought so worst when you were gone.. I thought you are venting out your anger on some other person " jungkook said cupping other 's face .

" I dont mind " taehyung said holding other 's hand and giving a tight lip smile .

Of course he threatened the man to let him borrow his phone also gave a not-so-painful punch .

" oh this is some thing I got for you .. to make up " jungkook said picking up the frowning bear and extending it to the younger .

" to make up ..." Taehyung asked desperately .

He felt small under all the care . He felt different and for the first time in his life he kind of felt guilty .

" I felt bad for leaving you behind... angry " jungkook lied . Concealing the truth of 'the lesson'.

Sometimes it feels good to lie . Lieing feels easy than speaking truth.

Jungkook and taehyung chose to lie for temporary attachment or whatever they called their bed warming situation.

" its pretty " taehyung said caressing the soft features of teddy bear . He let his finger roll over the frown .

" it looks like you " jungkook joked and chuckled .

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