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" the moment i saw you
I knew you are lost in
Finding yourself "

For the one who taught me what hope is ....

Growing normally is what taehyung was never taught of . He grew up learning how to be different.

Taehyung was a lovely kid . His mother was busy working overseas and his father worked hard not to miss his wife.

Little taehyung lost motivation to live. The toddler was Under The care of maids .

There he met a girl who called his maid 'mama' . Little taehyung spoke incoherently. His first word was not mama or papa but milk because he was often left to starve.

When he heard her say mama his maid engulfed her in a hug . Little taehyung wanted to hug her too so he imitated her . The girl looked at him with disgust and pushed him to the floor aggressively.

Taehyung cried the entire time but no one tended to him. He cried to sleep and there was no one to wipe his dry tears.

Post incident taehyung never dared to call the lady 'mama'. He limited his vocabulary to 'milk' 'biscuit ' and 'food'.

Pain .. you never feel it till you are hurt. Till you feel bad .. Till you are effected by something .

The pain was something taehyung eliminated from his life replacing with gloat .

He don't know what it is to lose a person . He only knew how to snatch what's his .

Taehyung stumbled inside the threshold kicking the door shut as the silence of his house let him think more .

He gripped his head tight as thoughts flooded his brain. His heart was aching in pain as if it's hard to stay where it is . It was begging for the escape, begging for the burn to stop .

He pulled his hair rested on the floor ,his back resting against the hard coach .

" what... what is happening " taehyung whimpered shaking his thoughts .

All the time he made sure he isn t attached to older. Humans can see what is visible , he couldn't hold on the invisible string tieing his heart to jungkook 's.

The attachment he had was missing to be back in jungkook's arms and forget everything.

He heard quick footsteps behind him. He wanted to scream and tell him not to come closer but he coudln t . He was too weak to speak.

" taehyung " Jimin sat closer to his friend . He was sad to see what's happening with his best friend.

" Jimin... " taehyung looked up hopefully, his eyes red and skin pale .

" its okay " jimin said nodding his head and pulling other close to him.

" it's paining here ..." Taehyung pointed his finger towards his heart and he looked confused with mouth wide open .

ONLY IF IT WAS YOU ♤VKOOK FF♤√Where stories live. Discover now