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New year update for my teddies-( I first typed tiddies )

Taehyung slowly got down and picked the baby from cradle and hugged her close to his chest. His eyes were wide open and he was unknowingly scared--- scared of losing her even though none of Jungkook 's actions implied that.

His thoughts were forcing him to take her out and hide where older can never find.

" hey---- you alright" Jimin rushed to his side and sat close to his friends who was suffocating the little girl in his arms.

" he was here--- " taehyung whispered. For a moment it all felt like a dream.

" jungkook. I know " Jimin nodded  his head but his friend looked at him with betrayal.

" why--- why was he here " taehyung asked in a hushed tone.

" because--- I wanted him to be here. " Jimin cupped his cheek.

" he wont take her away " taehyung asked. The girl in his arms stirred awake and now was crying.

" shhhh--" Jimin took her in his arms trying to soothe her.

" you should tend to her first " Jimin slowly placed her on his lap and left the room.

Jungkook was right outside with a bag in his hands.

" oh my god you scared me " Jimin flinched.

" I didn't mean to" jungkook was quick to apologise.

" he is in shock, he thinks you are here to take her away" Jimin explained which made jungkook 's face fall.

Why will he do that ?

" I dont know--- but I will never take her away. I am really sorry---- I feel like a shit. I dont know what's happening " jungkook voice was on verge on breaking and last thing Jimin wants the older to be is strong enough to convince taehyung.

" I know it's all like a lot for you at this moment--- you both should take time " Jimin now was not feeling good about anything that's happening.

" no I am fine--- i just want him to trust me this one time " jungkook is now not ready for a separation. He wants to stay close to the duo all the time till he dies.

" you have to prove this to him. You have to prove him wrong. " Jimin patted his back with assurance.

Just when he felt like its better to talk to taehyung he knocked the door and got in.

Taehyung was busy talking to the girl who was now wide awake, blinking and looking at the ceiling curiously.

" I got some food" Jung kook placed the paper cover on the table and moved towards the boy who was simply glaring.

" why are you here" taehyung tightened his grip on her.

" because I want to " jungkook didn't spare a single glance to her and focused on taehyung.

" I told you to stay with her " taehyung looked at the window.

" still bossing around. My life , my choice " jungkook Sat on the bed and pinched his nose earning his attention.

" your choice" taehyung asked curiously.

" yeah it's you " jungkook said it casually.

" why me "

" because it's you " jungkook smiled at taehyung dearly.

" yeah but why me " taehyung was feeling different because of the close proximity. This all felt new and peculiar in good way.

ONLY IF IT WAS YOU ♤VKOOK FF♤√Where stories live. Discover now