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They say time heal wounds and of course it does when you have a cure along , a shoulder to rest your head on , a friend to make you smile, a brother to hold your hands or probably a person who would take you out and make you write another beautiful chapter of love.

Jungkook had none-- he barely had any friends and thsoe few were totally unaware of whole Paris fiasco. He didn't tell them either.

He simply woke up- ready for work, worked till late night and return home to take a pill and sleep. Hit. Repeat.

Days swept along and every minute took years to pass for him.


She left him exactly after a week of taehyung 's death.

Ian sorry for being a bad husband.

He owed her an apology for ruining her life. He held her hands only to leave it after some walk.

Never mind jungkook. You gave me the best years of my life to cherish.

The look she had on her face while saying those words is still glued to his brain and he dont think that will ever disappear.

You can stay here, ill leave.

It was jungkook's wish for her to take the house, she decorated with so much of love.

This house will only remind me of you and make me think where I failed in my married life.

Those words were enough for him to smack his lips and let her do whatever she wants.

But she never stopped , she left. She went back to her hometown, daegu.

Now all he was left with dirty wounds that worsened every passing minute and regrets to kill his lifespan.


Taehyung had whole another story to narrate. He moved on-- At least he tried or is still trying.

She never once expected for jungkook to return or wait for him. He also tried to forget about the male who--- changed him.

He isn't the same taehyung anymore.

After the death of his father he made Jimin sell every thing In Paris and give away to the family of those who died in his hands.of course that wasn't enough for what he did but a part of him was bit relieveed. He just left small amount of money for him to move to daegu, his hometown and start a small business there.

Jimin' s boyfriend Joshua often visited them as the omega couldn't leave his friend alone. Then they had the best time, Josh was a kind sweet human who never once judged him with his past. He was good to let that pass and focus on present . For this he is forever grateful towards him.

He also got a small yet comfortable house by the woods to enjoy nature once waking up. Birds chirping, rustling of leaves and cool breeze freshened his soul.

He didn't even count the days till he realised he has entered last trimester and its dangerously taking him to the best day of his life. He reduced walking to the convenient store he got to source his expenses.

Dear mom ,

It's getting painful. I can't see my toes anymore. Jimin says I look cute with all the water inside my system.

I just want to sit in washroom and pee all day long. Yesterday I couldn't make it up to the washroom and peed all over my bathroom mat. That was worst.

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