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They say when you fall in love with a person you will start finding their every action , gesture and moment beautiful. Their scars concealed and their every attribute beautifully expansed .

The sun was about to set after a long day not soo long for the duo as they were on sleeping because of the adventurous night.

" am I joker " taehyung asked placing the fork back on table .

" did I ever say this to you in sleep " jungkook chuckled. The last thing he will ever say to the omega is 'joker '.

" Ian just curious to know why you are looking at me since last ten minutes " taehyung said picking a piece of bread with fork.

" you are looking different today " jungkook said romantically.

" nice ... I am impressed " taehyung said giving other a flying kiss .

" so taehyung... you helped me over come my fear ... I wanna do the same .. " jungkook said wiping his face with napkin.

" I dont fear anything..." Taehyung said checking the Polaroid pictures he has had collected so far .

" you fear something dear..." Jungkook said locking his eyes with other .

" let me think..." Taehyung said .

" congratulations... it's none " taehyung said clapping his hands.

" don't lie " jungkook rolled his eyes .

" Iam honest" taehyung kinda screamed earning many's interests.

" fine ..." Jungkook said in anger and locked his gaze outside.

" now stop throwing tantrums and dress up... we will be clubbing tonight " taehyung said kicking other 's shoe with his .

Jungkook didn't budge. He had his eyes locked outside.

" jungkook this is unfair " taehyung whisper yelled .

Jungkook stood up and walked outside the building with hands in pocket.

" jungkook I was speaking to you " taehyung said following other but jungkook kept walking.

" jungkook i swear... I'll kill you " taehyung growled standing infront of older .

Jungkook pushed other aside and walked ahead .

" what's your damn problem" taehyung gritted his teeth stopping other harshly by gripping biceps.

" I just want some alone " jungkook said freeing hismlef.

" why do you always have this weird request.. we are suppose to be giving each other time and enjoying our stay " taehyung said placing his hands on waist .

" enjoying... I do what you ask me to " jungkook retorted.

" and you did enjoy now stop acting like you didn't " taehyung rolled his eyes.

" I did .... but that doesn't mean I dont have any right of picking my way of enjoyment " jungkook said .

" you know what ... you are bitch ... I shouldn't have come with you " taehyung said throwing his hands in air.

" too late . .. you have to bear me for next couple of days " jungkook said and walked past younger leaving him deadpanned.

" jungkook stop " taehyung yelled not moving from his place .

" I said stop ... I'll burn your stuffs down if you will keep going" taehyung yelled hitting his feet to the ground like a kid .

" I will make you pay for this " taehyung said making jungkook smile but he didn't turn back to see other 's angry eyes then he will hug the hell out of other .

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