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Taehyung punched the shit out of the guy. He was more lethal than before . The victim winced in his grip.

Another person who dared to blow off the curtains and wished downfall of kims . Like every other who dared to uncover their dark business he was going through the very torture .

are you guilty for killing innocent people?

Jungkook 's words ringed in his brain . His hand stopped working for a brief minute and soon he recovered to deliver another punch.

are you guilty for killing innocent people

" no Iam not " taehyung screamed pushing the person on the ground and kicking hard on his stomach .

are you guilty for killing innocent people

" I fucking told you I'm not "

are you guilty for killing innocent people

" stop bothering me "

Taehyung kicked harder but words were still ringing in his head over and over again. His legs moved faster until it was too much to bear he pulled his gun and shot right inbetween his eyes.

The man went limp on the ground whispering his last words.

are you guilty for killing innocent people

" stop " taehyung gripped his head.

He pulled the trigger and shot the death body over and over again till his entire self was drenched in blood.

He threw the gun away and sat at the corner resting his head on the wall. Tears dropped out of the eyes.

" how pathetic " taehyung hit the fist to his head.

He screamed thrashing his legs. He felt helpless despite having all the power , he felt useless and messed up shit.

After like five minutes he opened his eyes and looked at the dead body whose eyes were on him . The eyes were empty and lifeless yet they looked threatening.

" taehyung " he heard his best friend speak.

" whats this taehyung " Jimin asked shaking other a bit . His face , hands and jacket were smeared with blood yet he seemed to not care .

" leave me to be " taehyung pushed other despite knowing how adamant his best friend can get in situations as such.

" come let's get you cleaned " Jimin pulled other hands but taehyung sat lifeless .

" are you a baby " Jimin asked like a strict mother .

" get up taehyung.. stop behaving like a teenager... " still taehyung didn't move an inch .

" taehyung... please get up " Jimin said and after few seconds taehyung raised himself from the ground and disappeared in his room which he set up to get cleaned after situation as such

" whats wrong " Jimin placed his hand on other 's . He looked fresh after taking a quick shower .

" I dont know " taehyung shrugged. He himself dont know why those words are ringing in his brain .

" you acted strangely that your men had to call me check on you " Jimin said.

" that was nothing " taehyung lied .

" did jungkook said something " Jimin knows anything that's making taehyung act strange is Jung kook 's words.

" stop treating me like kid Jimin.. Iam fine ohkqy "taehyung was highly irritated.

" Ian not treating you like a kid.. Iam fulfilling my best friend duties and to tell you my heart hurts seeing you in pain " Jimin rolled his eyes and slumped on the couch.

Taehyung still stood in balcony watching the vehicles move .

" jungkook apologised " taehyung spoke not looking at his best friend.

" oh.. He seemed to straighten his thoughts after spending some time in jail " Jimin chuckled.

" he said he is ready for all sort of punishments "

" did he said that to you" Jimin came back to standing next to taehyung.

" I hate him Jimin.. I hate him for doing that to me .. I hate him for everything... I hate him to the point I want to see him in pain but everytime he is in pain my heart aches and all I wish to do is to absorb all the pain and worries from him" taehyung was used to his tears rolling down without notice. Now the tears are how clingy friend.

" that's love my crazy friend .. you are in love with him" Jimin carassed other's back.

" I dont love him" taehyung murmered. He still is in denial.

" you do .. and you have to make your heart forget him "

" I can right "

" you can ... There is nothing you cannot do "

" I can't..."

" it will take time .. Now that he will leave the country you can " Jimin said patting other 's back in assurance.

" I dont want him to go " taehyung shook his head.

" it will take time "

Jungkook let his tears flow sitting in the abandoned roof of the old building . He dont know how he ended up here. He wanted peace and here he is , letting his emotions flow .

After so much of convincing he loves gayoung reality hit him hard last night. His heart is defying him . He likes taehyung more than he likes gayoung . He cares for taehyung more than he cares for gayoung . He wants to go to taehyung at this moment and not gayoung .

This harsh reality is making him go weak . He just want to disappear and end this misery .

" Iam sorry " jungkook cried. This time he actually is sorry . He wants to be with taehyung at the same time he don't want to be with him.

Taehyung is hard to love and difficult to keep . He is boss and he just want everything to happen in the way he likes .

A time can come where taehyung will be sick of him and will get rid of him like a used tissue .

" I dont know what you want taehyung " jungkook whispered wiping his tears.

" just you are the person I will never ever forget.. you will always rule my heart no matter where I'll be " jungkook said and collected himself before his thoughts can consume him and take any worst turn.

he has to go back and pack their bags for Seoul. He dont wanna go back even when there is nothing left for him here.

But the heart wants what it wants.....

A/N: soo not a long chapter !! Next chapter is gonna have lots of things!

Did we just hit 10.2K+ reads!? Like it's not a joke!!!? Woah!!!

17 11 2022

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