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Before Y/n truly fell asleep, she jolted awake and remembered the piled-up work she took home with her. "Oh shit, I think tonight is one of those nights." She mumbled to herself as she sat up from her bed and quickly got a hold of the documents and papers.

The morning quickly came as Y/n stretched her back and sat up from her seat next to her desk. "Finally done, time to go to work." She tiredly mumbled and took a shower to refresh her body and mind.

But when she arrived at her workplace, her boss told her that work was suspended that day. She didn't know why but she just went home thankful for everything. She tiredly stomped her way upstairs, and Ver Gordet was shocked to see her not running.

Y/n then plopped on her bed and she quickly fell asleep. She was shocked to see that she slept peacefully and continuously, with no Xiao who disturbed her every minute. Which made her wonder what made him so busy.

She ignored it and slept.

When she woke up, it was 7 PM. She looked outside to see the sea from far away quite messy and lots of woods were scattered around it.

"What the hell happened?" She mumbled to herself as she looked around Liyue, which have been slightly destroyed. "You're finally awake, for god's sake," Xiao spoke as he appeared and stood there with a glare.

"What happened here?" Y/n asked as she stared at Xiao who just sighed and looked to where she was looking at. "Some dangerous mortal here in Liyue appeared and caused chaos. Thankfully, Ningguang managed to find a way to save this place." Xiao explained with his hands on his chest.

"Oh, word?" She asked as she looked around, almost attempting to jump with her wind glider but Xiao stopped her. "Hey now, don't be so reckless! It's still dangerous there, and you don't even have a vision to protect yourself with!" Xiao exclaimed.

Y/n flinched and froze on the spot, hearing what he said struck a nerve as her tears swelled in her eyes. Xiao stood there and held her shoulders as he settled her down to the ground.

"So please, listen to me even just once." Xiao sighed as he stared at her whose tears fell from her eyes. Xiao flinched as she broke down in tears. "A-Are you okay?" Xiao asked as she started to sob.

"I-I'm sorry, just built up emotions..." Y/n mumbled as Xiao sighed and sat beside her. He was not one to comfort people. "I'm sorry, I'm sure you're tired but here I am, burdening you with these useless emotions. I'm sorry again." She mumbled as she wiped her tears away. Xiao diverted his eyes towards her as her tears flowed out of her eyes.

Xiao sighed as he turned his chest toward her, then raised his hand to cup her cheeks. He used his thumbs and wiped her tears away. Y/n looked at him in shock as his face turned red. Xiao looked away from her as he continued to cup her cheeks with his hands.

"A-Alatus... Thank you." Y/n smiled as she hugged her tightly. Xiao flinched by the name she called him and the hug but didn't push her away, he knew she needed this. They stayed like that for a few minutes and pulled away. Hours passed by and Y/n finally cheered up, flashing a genuine smile toward Xiao. "Thank you so much for tonight, Xiao. You can sleep on my bed if you like it comfortable. I for sure won't be able to sleep after that." Y/n smiled and pulled away from him.

Xiao nodded and let her go as she decided to take a walk outside. Xiao wouldn't admit it but he can't resist sleeping on her bed, for some reason, the bed in her room was the only one that was comfortable to sleep on even if an Adeptus like him doesn't get tired or sleep. Though he'd never say it out loud.

Y/n sighed as she recall her past. No one other than herself knows about it. Not even Xiao. Xiao and Zhongli only know that Y/n's vision was taken away by something they currently don't know about.

"I want to forget about it, but for some reason, it keeps hunting me..." She mumbled to herself as the breezy night affected her mood. Tears built up in her eyes once again as she unconsciously arrived in Liyue Harbor. It was already 10 PM so she decided to stay in Liyue harbor before going back to Wangshuu Inn the next day. Luckily, she's friends with the couple, Xingqiu and Chongyun.

The two gladly let her stay the night as she explained that she unconsciously came there. Y/n apologized and took another walk before heading to sleep. She didn't know why she kept wanting to take a walk but her feet lead her to the shore, where Beidou and other captains' boats come back from a faraway place.

She stared at the sea as she looked to be deep in her thoughts.

Xiao sighed to himself as she watched her admire the sea at midnight. He always watched over his closest "friend".

Y/n sighed and sat on the wood, slowly putting her feet down.

Xiao's POV:

When Y/n was about to jump off and use her wind glider, I stopped her and scolded her. It was way too dangerous to go near there right now, Osial might still be alive despite Ningguang sacrificing the Jade Chamber.

"Stop! Don't be so reckless, Y/n! You don't even have a vision to protect yourself with!" I scolded as she stood there, frozen. I don't know what I said in that sentence that struck a nerve but I pulled her by her shoulders and sat her down on the balcony. Thank Morax there weren't that many mortals around here anymore.

"So please, listen to me just this once." I sighed as I stared at her.

I was startled when Y/n started crying. It's only been a few years since we met and this isn't the first time I've seen her tear up. But this is the first time that she's cried and I'm there beside her. I didn't know what to do. I don't usually know what to do when a mortal feels these certain feelings.

Why do they even feel this way? Is there a reason to do so? And why? I don't understand mortals at all.

Anyhow, she still sobbed. I sighed and sat beside her as she then started apologizing for "being a burden" to me.

Why do mortals keep thinking they're a burden when feeling these emotions they claim to be important and sensitive? I don't get it. Although they truly are a burden to us Adeptus, I can't understand why she feels like a burden when she's in a vulnerable state. There's no point in feeling sympathy over someone else when you're literally miserable. These emotions make mortals weak.

I don't want to talk about this anymore, it's just gonna give me an unnecessary migraine.

I sighed and faced her to cup her cheeks. I didn't know what happened or what took over me but I looked her straight in the eye and wiped her tears away.

Her eyes widened as she stared at mine. "A-Alatus..." She mumbled. How did he know that name? No one but Morax used to call me that. I looked away as my face started to go red. She then hugged me tightly. "Thank you for everything, Xiao." She stated as I just nodded and let her calm down.

I didn't even do anything, why is she thanking me? I'm so fed up with her doing everything for no reason at all. I just let her speak what she wanted to say and listened to her, and she thanked me for that. Sigh, I can't with this human.

"I'm gonna go for a walk, thank you for tonight. You can lay down on my bed if you want, cause I for sure won't be able to sleep after that" She then bid her goodbyes. I sighed and sat there. As if I'd lay on her bed. I admit it's comfortable but I won't be able to calm my nerves down when being worried, so I followed her silently.

She mumbled something, but I didn't hear. Curse this distance.

She walked and walked until she arrived at Liyue Harbor. I sighed and was about to leave her be but then, I saw her coming out of the house she entered and once again walked toward the shore.

I silently watched as she sat down. She seems to be deep in her thoughts. I sighed and let her be, she probably needs alone time. As what mortals like to say.

To be Continued...

[FINISHED] Crisis Lovers {Kazuha X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now