16 🔞

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Kazuha then pushed Y/n back and roamed around her body, making her moan out of pleasure. Y/n felt him smirk as his lips touched every inch of her skin exposed. "Kazuha, please... Stop teasing me, please... I need you..." Y/n mumbled and stopped him as she got on top of him and kissed him instead.

Although her neck was bruised due to the stimulation Kazuha did, she still had enough strength to overpower him. "Confident now, are we? I don't like impatient women, so sit there like a good girl you are, and wait." Kazuha then pushed her back to the bed as he stood up and went to get something.

Y/n groaned and waited for him to come back, she didn't know what she was feeling and was unfamiliar to it, hence her not knowing what to do with the discomfort she was feeling. Kazuha came back once again as he smirked at the view, Y/n sat there patiently, shifting every now and then.

"What a good girl," Kazuha chuckled and walked toward hee who only stayed put. "Do you love me?" He asks.

"Ye... Yes, I love you..." She replied, clinging onto him as he holds her dearly and close to him. "Is that so... Then, you promise me that you won't leave me after all this?" He asked and caressed her cheeks as she nods.

"Yes, I won't leave..." With that, Kazuha smiled and started his business. He then kissed her passionately as Y/n kissed back, desperate for his love.

The kiss immediately got heated up as Kazuha deepened the kiss by holding her nape. Y/n was starting to run out of oxygen as Kazuha just ignored her.

Kazuha then pulled away as Y/n tried to catch her breath. He took a rope and held both her wrist up in the sky as he ties it up. "Wha-?" Y/n's yelps were cut off when Kazuha glared at her sharply with his red eyes.

"Did I tell you to speak up? No." He stated and continued to tie her up. Y/n watched as he tie both her wrists together tightly. Kazuha then smiled innocently as his lips started to roam nearer her chest.

His robe loosened up as it went down his shoulders, revealing his collarbone. His skin was like expired milk, white but scarred. "You have... A lot of scars," Y/n spoke up and traced his scars on his collarbone.

"I do. I mean, I've fought countless of enemies," Kazuha chuckled and continued kissing her, while she just moaned due to the overstimulation Kazuha kept giving her. "Feeling good?" He asked as Y/n just groaned.

Kazuha chuckled as he then fully removed his robe as it hung on the lower part of it. The robe revealed his toned chest which was always under the robe. He neared Y/n as he started to remove her clothes while kissing her passionately, full of lust and desire. (Okay I forgot that I made Kazuha tie you up so probably just imagine you remove your clothes with your feet 😁)

"Ugh~... Kazuha," Y/n hugged him as he removed her blouse, which revealed her bralette. Kazuha smirked at the view in front of him as he stares at her.

"You know, you look very different right now, different than what you usually do. You look... Very, lewd." Kazuha chuckled as Y/n just stayed put, she wasn't used to the feeling and just gave in to Kazuha's teasings. Kazuha leaned in on her chest as he takes the other with his hand, caressing and sucking it.

He removed his hand from the other breast as it goes behind it and removed the clip of the bralette. "Ah, Kazuha... I love you, please..!" Y/n yelled as Kazuha just chuckled. "Eager now, are we? And here I thought I told you to be patient?" Kazuha teased as his hands neared her womanhood. He removed her pants as he traced her underwear.

He inserted his fingers inside her underwear and teased her clit, which made her flinch. "Kazuha...!" Y/n moaned as Kazuha smiled at her angelic voice. "Look how adorable you are, already wet just from my fingers." Kazuha spoke as Y/n just looked away from him.

"Be-Because-!" Y/n's whines were cut off when Kazuha suddenly pushed his fingers inside her tight, wet core. She moaned loudly as she grips the bedsheet tightly, not being able to handle the pain and pleasure out of shock. "You're so tight, it's sucking my fingers in." Kazuha spoke and stared in disbelief as Y/n's tears fell down to her cheek.

"Ah, does it hurt?" Y/n nodded as she layed her head down to the bed as Kazuha felt guilty and wiped her tears away with a gentle smile. "It's better that we prep you first, it will hurt even more without it." He spoke as Y/n just nodded, still feeling the pain from his fingers moving inside her.

"Does it still hurt?" He asked, making a scissors motion with his fingers as Y/n slowly nodded. "A-A little bit," She replied, not able to utter a straight sentence without stuttering. "It will be like that for a while,"

Kazuha slowly pulled his fingers out and replaced it with his member. The sudden entrance made Y/n yelp in surprise and pain. "Kazuha! Ah-!" Y/n moaned out in pain as Kazuha winced, his genital was being squished by her walls.

"I-I know it hurts, but just a little longer." Kazuha mumbled and slowly thrusted in and out. "I-It hurts, Kazuha." Tears prickled in Y/n's eyes while Kazuha only smiled at her. "It'll be okay, I promise."

The whole night passed as they finished at sunrise. Kazuha finished inside her and laid his back down on their bed. He saw how vulnerable Y/n is in front of him. He never saw her so peacefully with him before since the incident. She was sleeping in peace, looking like as if nothing ever happened to them last night.

"Y/n..." Kazuha smiled and caressed her cheeks as he kissed her forehead.

When Y/n woke up, Kazuha wasn't in their room. Y/n sat up but couldn't move too much since her lower half roared in pain. Her whole body was sore.

"Ugh, what happened?" She mumbled to herself and sighed. She examined her body and saw her jaw to her chest bruised. "Ah! What the hell are these?" She yelped and touched it, and it definitely hurt.

"Everything hurts..." Y/n sighed to herself and tried to remember the previous events that happened.

Then it hit her. "Oh god!"

To be Continued.

You can't blame me for not being able to write it in full detail 😭

[FINISHED] Crisis Lovers {Kazuha X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now