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The night quickly arrived as Y/n woke up from her nap. She started to feel way hungrier by the time she did. "Kazuha? Are you there?" Y/n called out as she sat up on the couch. "Kazuha?" She called out once again, now standing up to check the whole place.

"Kazuha!!" She yelled, walking around the kitchen but didn't find him there. "Kazuha!! Where are you?!" She yelled and ran outside just to see that it was raining. She could hear her heart bumping out of her chest as she ran outside and rushed towards the beach, not even bothering to take a hat. As soon as she arrived, she quickly looked around for any signs of her fiancèe.

"Kazuha!!" She yelled as she ran through the sand. "Kazuha!" She yelled once again, but this time, tears ran down her cheeks as she fell to her knees, not minding the wet sand under her. "Where are you..." Y/n sobbed but Kazuha quickly appeared behind her and hugged her.

"Kazuha-!" Y/n cut her sentence when she felt the presence of the person, it wasn't him.

The person wrapped their arms around her waist and held their hands tightly on her stomach. It felt weird, she felt weird. It felt familiar, but she couldn't put a finger on it. The person soon untangled their hands off her stomach but held her wrist this time, caressing the bracelet which contained her vision. Y/n froze on the spot, not being able to react due to shock.

"My dear Y/n, let your new family open up new opportunities for you. Come back to us, to me." The voice spoke right to her ear, the voice felt familiar. And before Y/n could even look behind her to see who it was, a snake suddenly bit the hand away before she even managed to find out who it was. After the snake got rid of the person, it crawled its' way towards her and slithered on her arm to her neck.

The snake hissed she felt the presence of the person behind her disappear. After that, she jerked awake in shock, which caused Kazuha to wake up in the process. "Mm, Y/n? What's the matter?" Kazuha asked, sitting up from their bed and staring at his fiancèe. "I... I had a weird dream." Y/n replied as Kazuha looked at her in confusion.

"What do you mean? Can you describe what happened in the dream?" Kazuha asked as Y/n hesitantly nodded.

Y/n's POV:

I sighed and agreed to explain the dream to him, it felt so weird, I can still feel it, I can still feel his arms snake on my waist.

"It went like this..."

I woke up on the couch from a nap, weird. A nap at night? Anyhow, after waking up, I felt even more hungrier. So, I stood up and called out for Kazuha. "Kazuha?" I called out, standing up to look for him in the kitchen. He wasn't there. I felt panic arouse as I run around the house, but he really wasn't there.

I rushed outside, not minding the harsh rain and ran towards the beach. "Kazuha!!" I yelled, I was so scared. Where could he be? I can feel the water falling down from the sky, and I hated it.

I started to panic as I fell on my knees with tears on my face. "Kazuha, where are you...?" I mumbled to myself and cried. I sat there for a while, until I felt a presence hug me from behind. "Kazuha-!" I abruptly stopped my sentence as soon as I realized that it wasn't him, he didn't have any tattoos or this feeling of his skin. I froze in shock after the realization, it was another man hugging me.

The way he snakes his arms around my waist, caressing my stomach, even my wrists which held my vision... What is this feeling? Why is he doing this?

"My dear Y/n, I've missed you dearly. Let your new family open up multiple opportunities, let the destiny unfold. Come back to us, to me. We're all waiting for you. I don't mind if your body has given birth already, I will always love you." A voice spoke, it felt familiar. It IS familiar, I just can't put a finger on it. Why is it that this always happen whenever I'm in crisis? I can't remember anything at this point. So, it is confirmed that he is a guy judging by the voice.

I felt the man kiss my neck as I shudder in response, who was he even? Due to the man's actions, I didn't notice the rain stopping as the dark night calmed down.

But, before the man could even continue his actions, a snake suddenly appeared and bit his hands off me. After that, I felt the presence behind me disappear as the snake slithered its' way towards me. The snake crawled up to my neck and it seems like the snake was satisfied just to get rid of the man.

After that, I woke up in the bed, next to Kazuha who was probably hugging me tightly.

"And that's how it happened. It felt so weird, and disgusting. What do you think? Does that dream have a meaning?" I asked as Kazuha just stayed silent the whole time I told him about the dream. Was he thinking of something?

I looked at him while he just cowered away from embarrassment. "Is something wrong?" I asked while he just chuckled nervously. "I dreamt of being a snake, and then I saw you with another man hugging you from behind." He replied while I just looked at him in shock. No way, we had the same dream? How is that even possible?

"How the hell is that possible?" I mumbled while he just sighed. "Let's just rest more, maybe we're just tired." He replied while I just nodded in agreement.

After a while, I woke up but didn't feel Kazuha beside me. "Kazuha?" I called out, sitting up from the bed and standing up. I walked towards the kitchen and saw him cooking. "Aww, you're cooking for me?" I asked, walking towards him and hugging him from behind. "Of course, anything for my wife." He replied while I just laughed.

"Excuse you, we aren't married yet. You haven't even proposed to me once again." I replied while he just chuckled and put the spatula down. "Is that so?" He asked while I just smiled and chuckled. "Yes, have you not heard of manners? You'll need to ask me out once again." I replied while he just laughed.

"Then let me finish this cooking this first, then we'll go out somewhere." He replied while I just smiled and nodded, leaving him to tend to our messy bedroom. After a while, Kazuha decided to eat first before going out since I am indeed pregnant.

After we ate, we went outside. But, before we went on our way, he put a blindfold on in my eyes. "What's this for?" I asked, but he just chuckled at me.

"You'll see."

To be Continued.


[FINISHED] Crisis Lovers {Kazuha X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now