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The next day quickly came as Y/n tried to sneak out of Liyue Harbor since she met the twins along with Xiao and Zhongli when she was about to go back with Chongyun and Xingqiu. Y/n quickly ran to the bridge to try and go back to Wangshuu Inn but was met with Xiao. It was as if he was waiting for her to appear there.

"Oh, h-hey Xiao..." She chuckled nervously as Xiao could only glare at her. He sighed and motioned her to come with him. "Come." He spoke up.

"Where?" Y/n sighed and looked at him who only glared at her.

"You know where. Go." Xiao then teleported away. Y/n sighed, knowing what'll happen if she tries to escape. Y/n sighed and hesitantly walked her way to the shore. "Oh, Y/n. I'm pleased to meet you here," Zhongli greeted as Y/n's figure came closer and closer.

"Hello, Zhongli." Y/n greeted. Everyone else around was intimidated as she smiled. Lumine, Aether, Paimon, Yanfei, and Hu Tao watched as Zhongli and Y/n interacted. "It seems like a certain someone had to force you to join us here." Zhongli chuckled as Y/n just sighed.

"I really didn't want to, I barely got any sleep." Y/n dramatically sighed. "Give the twins a chance. Ever since they heard about you coming from Inazuma, they've been curious and eager for you." Zhongli explained.

Y/n didn't expect that explanation at all. She looked over to see the twins smiling at her. "Is that so?" Y/n asked as the twins nodded. "But it depends on where you're going in Inazuma," Y/n explained.

"We're not sure but Captain beidou said that we're going to Ritou!" Paimon explained, making Y/n chuckle. "Oh? I'm sorry, but I don't want to come with." Her smile faded away and was soon replaced with a frown. She put her hands on her chest and glared at them.

"Aww, why is that?" Paimon asked while Y/n just sighed. "Please just leave it at that, I don't want to owe an explanation to anyone." Y/n sighed and was about to walk away when Zhongli cleared his throat.

"Y/n, I think you're forgetting something quite important, no?" Zhongli spoke up as Y/n stared at him in horror. "No, don't tell me..." Zhongli smiled at her and nodded. Y/n's eyes glistened as she looked at him as if hoping that he'd let her go.

"Your promise." He finished as Y/n shook her head aggressively. "No, I'm not ready yet. Zhongli, don't do this to me." Y/n's voice trembled, it seems that she was being forced to oblige a promise. "It wasn't just a simple promise, it turned into a contract," Zhongli explained.

"No, please. I don't want to go back to that city, please." Y/n stuttered. She didn't want to believe it, but it was true. The promise between them evolved into a contract. "Y/n, you must oblige," Zhongli mumbled. He walked towards her as she tried to step back, but stopped when she felt her eyes suddenly close. Her built-up fatigue finally caught up to her but with the wrong timing.

Zhongli caught her unconscious body as the audience sighed in relief. "Isn't that an inappropriate way to make her fulfill her contract?" Yanfei asked, with Hu Tao just humming in agreement.

"A contract is a contract. If ever she breaks it, she will die." He explained as the twins only sighed in relief. "Let's go to Beidou before she wakes up. I apologize in advance if ever she becomes rude or mad." Zhongli stated as they all nodded.

Yanfei and Hu Tao bid their goodbyes as the twins along with Paimon and Zhongli walked to where Beidou's boat was.

After the long walk, Zhongli handed Y/n to Aether. "Thank you, Zhongli." Aether waved goodbye as Zhongli smiled and walked away. Aether sighed as he held an unconscious Y/n.

"I feel guilty... We thought that she'd love to go back to Inazuma." Aether mumbled as Lumine just sighed. "Of course, she wouldn't want that. If she did, she'd be there right now and not here." Lumine argued, making Aether sigh in disappointment.

"Let's just go. We don't want to be late." Aether then walked with Y/n in his hands.

As soon as they arrive, Beidou quickly let them put her down and rest. "Sigh, I told her to rest. And here we are," Beidou mumbled to herself as she tidied up the bed and told one of the twins to take care of her while the other helps her. "But I wonder, what made her want to go back to Inazuma? She told me that she hated that place one time." Beidou mumbled to herself while tucking Y/n inside the covers.

"Anyway, one of you guys should stay here and watch over her while the other helps me up there." Beidou explained as Lumine volunteered to stay while Aether volunteered to help her.

"That's a relief to know. Let's go Aether." Beidou smiled as she motioned Aether to follow her upstairs. Paimon went with Aether while Lumine was left behind with Y/n.

Hours passed by and Y/n was still asleep, it seems like her fatigue is that bad.

Aether then finally arrived back in the room with someone other than Beidou. "Hey Lumine! Is she awake?" Beidou asked, as Aether, Paimon, and someone new walked inside the room.

"Not yet, it seems that her fatigue took over. But it's good that she's resting." Lumine explained with a smile, and soon, her eyes dropped to the new person. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot. This is Kaedehara Kazuha, he's also from Inazuma." Beidou introduced him as Kazuha politely smiled at them.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Aether and Lumine," Kazuha stated with a gentle smile. He and Lumine had brief eye contact, which made Lumine cower away in embarrassment. "I'm watching you, Kazuha." Aether teased as Kazuha chuckled at them.

"Not to worry, I already have a fianceé." He explained as Aether and Lumine sighed teasingly. Lumine chuckled after noticing that her brother also did the same. "Now now, let's leave and let Y/n rest," Beidou spoke.

Kazuha seemingly froze upon hearing her say that name. His smile faded away and was replaced with a frown. "C-Come again?" Kazuha stuttered. Beidou looked at him suspiciously as she spoke up once again. "I suggested that we leave this room to let Y/n rest?" Beidou repeated.

Kazuha's smile came back as he chuckled to himself. "Dude, are you going crazy?" Beidou chuckled to herself as the others started to also laugh. "I'm sorry, I was just making sure." Kazuha chuckled once again.

"If you guys need to do something upstairs, I'll stay here to watch over her," Kazuha explained as Beidou smiled in relief. "Heh, I thought you were going insane, but sure. Let's go, Aether and Lumine." Beidou then motioned for the twins to come with them. That was the only room available on that ship.

The three then walked out of the room, leaving Kazuha and Y/n alone.

"I finally found you, つま..."

To be Continued.

[FINISHED] Crisis Lovers {Kazuha X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now