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As soon as the day arrived, I immediately walked upstairs and visited Beidou. "Oh, hey Y/n! How's your fianceè? The twin travelers informed me that you took care of Kazuha." Beidou asked, making me sigh in exhaustion.

"That's true. He's so sick due to sleeping in the rain." I explained and sat next to her since she wasn't the one who was driving the boat. We're still far away from Inazuma, despite it being a whole day now. "He's so reckless, I recall him mumbling to himself that he misses you. And I never expected that he'd be calling you his fianceè this way. He even told me that... Sigh." She mumbled. What did he tell her?

"I see... But I can't forgive him that easily. What he did broke my heart into million pieces." I explained as Beidou just scoffed and chuckled. "Is that so? Well, I hope you two can fix that soon before it becomes worse." She smiled and admire the ocean. Thankfully, I'm not seasick.

The twins then suddenly sat beside me. "Hey Y/n, how's Kazuha? His temperature was so high last night." Aether spoke, with Lumine humming in agreement. "He's doing great, his fever is progressively going down." I smiled.

"Thank god, we were worried that his fever won't go down anytime soon. Thank goodness you're here since you're probably the one who knows him well." Lumine spoke, smiling at me. "Yeah..." I trailed off, watching the ocean surrounding us.

The twins then stopped talking, taking my silence as a sign to not disturb it. We could hear Paimon arguing with Beidou who was just laughing at her. The twins then chuckled and bid goodbyes to me to go to Paimon.

After a few hours had passed, I went down and checked on Kazuha's temperature. He still had a fever, but it wasn't as bad as last night. I replaced the towel on his forehead and let him rest. There wasn't anything I could do but admire the ocean. Soon enough, we arrived in Inazuma. Kazuha was doing fine already, with his fever down multiple degrees.

"We're finally here, I was starting to get tired of the ocean." I joked as everyone else just chuckled. I smiled as I looked around the familiar place. It never changed, still the same place I grew up in.

I sighed and smiled, finally stepping a foot back into my hometown. Everyone else followed, except Kazuha. I was thankful I wouldn't see him for a little while, I don't want to see him any longer.

I bid my goodbyes as Beidou's boat began to sail, back to Liyue. I couldn't see Kazuha anywhere in the boat, though. I sighed, this place makes me feel nothing but nostalgia and guilt.

"Oh, hey Y/n! It's been so long! Come on, let's get you back to Ms. Kamisato." Thoma greeted me, but I gently explained to him that I needed to go somewhere and told them to go first, and also to not wait for me.

When I arrived at the house, it was already abandoned, since the ones who used to live in it, already died. Tears formed in my eyes as I looked at the abandoned house. The door was still attached, although.

I sighed and calmed myself down and proceeded to explore the inside of the house. Everything was still in its' respective places. The pieces of furniture, the stuff inside, the pictures hung on the wall, half of it already fallen to the floor and rotted there, and the memories. Everything was okay even with the Raiden Shoguns' strict rules.

Tears fell from my eyes as I sat on the couch slowly rotting in the house. The wooden floor was also starting to rot away from reality. I sighed and held myself. That wasn't supposed to happen, now I don't have them by my side. I loved them all, but I just had to lose them.


"Y/n! Your fianceè needs your help!" A voice called out from outside as I was doing some chores inside the house. "What?" I yelled back, putting what I was doing besides, taking a huge hat and putting it on my head, and rushed outside to meet my panicking mother.

"Y-Your fianceè, he's being hunted down by the Tenryou Commission, Tri-Commission, and a few ninjas! Everyone is tracking him down just because he took his friend's vision after they died from Raiden Shogun's battle!" My mother yelled as I can hear my father motioning for Kazuha to come to our home.

"What...? What's happening? Where's Kazuha!? Go inside the house, mother! It's raining hard!" I yelled as she nodded and went inside. I ran in the direction where I could hear my father's voice.

"Father! Here!" I yelled and waved my hands in the air. He looked at me and nodded, also motioning Kazuha to come that way.

"Run as soon as I'm beside you!" My father yelled. He then ran past me as I waited for Kazuha. He couldn't stop running, or else everyone will also catch up to him.

As soon as Kazuha was beside me, he gripped my hands tightly and ran towards the shore, where a boat usually rested. My father arranged the boat as we came close.

As soon as we were at the beach, the boat was already prepared for us. My father then dragged us to the boat and pushed it further into the water. I looked at him in horror after realizing and processing everything in my head.

"No! Father! You can't be left behind! They will kill you!" I yelled and held his hand tightly, trying to drag him on the boat with us. But he pulled away and sadly smiled at me.

"Father, no... Please don't do this-!" As soon as I tried to reach out for his hand, the water pulled us further into the ocean. "Father!" I yelled as the Tri-Commissions caught up to him first and brutally m!rdered him on the spot, with no hesitation at all. Tears swelled in my eyes as I saw some of them also going inside our home, and a few moments after, I could hear my mother screaming in vain despite the distance we already progressed. My breath hitched as my tears never stopped flowing.

I looked at Kazuha who also had tears in his eyes. I could still remember every detail of the event as if it happened yesterday. The look in his eyes as he diverted it to the vision of his friend, everything was all in sorrow. The ones who were trying to hunt him down watched as we drifted away from the shore.

"K-Kazuha... What the hell happened?!" I yelled and held his collar tightly, with angry tears falling out of my eyes. "Y/n, I'm so sorry-"

"Do you think your sorry will be able to bring my parents back?! Why did you do it!!?" I yelled once again, making my throat hurt. "Y/n! I didn't know what happened, okay? I was stunned! I didn't expect anything that happened at all! I-I'm sorry, but he was the only one I had other than you! We've been friends longer than we've loved each other!" He yelled back. My grip on his collar loosened as I looked at him in horror.

"Really, huh? Then go find someone like him! Someone who you've known longer than we've loved each other! Go!" I yelled really loud, enough for everyone on the shore to hear it. "I hate you."

The boat took a lot longer to arrive somewhere. As soon as I felt the beach, I quickly ran away from the boat with tears in my eyes. Kazuha was asleep when I left.

I sighed as I started to hiccup, it was hard to breathe because I was crying the whole time. I ran and ran until I couldn't see the beach no more. I continued to run until I arrived somewhere. And then, I passed out.

I woke up in a comfortable bed. I sat up and looked around, the whole place was unfamiliar to me.

Then suddenly, a guy appeared next to the bed. "You're finally awake, you mortal." The guy spoke as I looked at him with my puffy eyes.

"Adeptus Xiao. You needn't call me by any name other than Adeptus. Go and meet me downstairs." The guy then disappeared.

I sighed as I looked at the place. It used to be so pretty and liveable, but now, it's drenched with dried blood and is abandoned.

How I wish I never met him.

To be Continued.

[FINISHED] Crisis Lovers {Kazuha X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now