45 - End

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Now I feel sad about ending this book... :'((


Hours passed by since those two ran away from me. I've already met with all my other friends.

There's Xiangling cooking for me, Yunjin touring me around new spots, Yelan being busy as ever, Yanfei talking about laws with me, Hu tao still trying to bury Qiqi, and of course, we can't forget about Zhongli.

He's still the same as ever, I think he hates change. Xiao, on the other hand didn't even show up to me.

I sighed and went straight to Xiangling to eat some lunch. It's been a while and I'm getting hungry.

While eating, the two came back and approached me.

"Oh, hey Y/n! Didn't expect to see you here, hehe..." Xingqiu awkwardly chuckled as they both at next to me.

"You already saw me, why wouldn't you expect to see me?" I asked, still eating my food.

"Oh, about that. Sorry for suddenly leaving you earlier, we needed to have a little talk." Xingqiu smiled and initiated a small talk with me.

We had fun, its been years ever since we last met so it's understandable. The three of us hung around Liyue and tried everything we wanted to do. We were originally a trio, so we had lots of fun even when fighting enemies.

Though it was obvious that I was starting to rot away due to focusing on being a mom and a wife.

A little fun wouldn't hurt.

While we were fighting hilichurls, my injuries came back to me. My back and neck suddenly began to ache.

"AH-!" I lost control of my balance and fell on my knees. The injury I got from Kojou Sara wasn't just a deep dark bruise, it also slightly fractured my bones.

My back on the other hand was what confused me. It was already healed a long time ago, why did the pain come back now?

Xingqiu and Chongyun rushed to me out of worry. I held my neck in pain as I started to breathe heavily.

"Y/n! What's wrong? What's happening?" Xingqiu asked, examining my body since he's the one who can heal out of them two.

"I-, my past injuries... It hurts again!" I managed to choke out.

Xingqiu used his vision and waited for a while until my neck and back didn't hurt anymore.

I sighed and just lie down on the ground.

"I'm sorry guys, I didn't expect my past injuries to suddenly come back." I sighed and sat up lazily.

The two sighed and before they tried to pat me, I flinched and slapped his hand away. Thankfully he didn't touch me.

"What-? What's wrong?" Xingqiu asked.

"I-I'm sorry, I just don't like being touched. I'll Just- I'll go. I'm sorry." I sighed and stood up. Before I left, the two made sure if I was alright.

"Are you sure you're alright? We can go with you to the doctor if you want." Chongyun suggested.

I smiled and shook my head, "No need. Thank you for your concern though."

With that, I left them alone. I feel bad, but I don't think I'd last longer fighting those little demons.

I decided to go straight to the doctors office. By the time I arrived, it's already late in the afternoon.

"Good afternoon, Dr. Shu. I'm here for Remedium Tertiorum." Dr. Shu greeted me back and nodded.

He was about to stand up when someone interfered.

[FINISHED] Crisis Lovers {Kazuha X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now