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Y/n didn't realize the time and stayed a little while, making the couple worry and wait in their home. Xingqiu sighed as Chongyun walked back and forth. "Chon, you're making me dizzy. Why don't we just go and find where she is right now? I'm sure she's somewhere near." Xingqiu suggested.

"Fine, I was worried if she ever wanted some alone time since she rarely goes here at night. Luckily, we stayed here for your work." Chongyun sighed as he and Xingqiu went outside. They walked and walked until they thought of checking the shore where boats usually come back.

"There she is!" Chongyun mumbled as they rushed toward Y/n who sat peacefully. "Hey! Why are you here? We've been so worried." Chongyun spoke up as the two sat beside her. Y/n was startled and flinched upon hearing their voices but calmed down when she saw that it was just them.

"Oh, I didn't realize I had been staying here for a while now. It's just so peaceful here, it allows me to think of the things I'm not able to when busy in the day." Y/n explained as Xingqiu smiled, liking the way she explained it. "We understand. Actually, can we stay here for a while with Y/n, Chon?" Xingqiu suggested as Chongyun smiled and nodded.

"Sure, the silence in here wouldn't be so awkward." Chongyun chuckled as the three of them sat and dozed off to the deep seas. Y/n couldn't explain the feeling she felt, but a wave of a nostalgic feeling suddenly appeared.

A smile made its' way to her lips as the two sat with her.

Suddenly, Chongyun spoke up. "Hey, Xingqiu? Do you think about books all day or do you think of other things, too?" Chongyun gently snickered, earning an annoyed chuckle from Xingqiu.

"I love your smile. I promise it will never have a chance to turn into a frown."

"I'm a human too, of course, I also think of other things than a book. For example, you." Xingqiu replied as a deep blush appeared on Chongyun's cheeks. They chuckled together as Y/n sat beside them with a smile.

"I love the way you own multiple cats. I like to think that they're our children."

Y/n sighed as the smile on her face never left. Times like these were a miracle to even happen, most midnights in Liyue Harbor are still full of people and busy.

It was already 2 AM when a ship came close to the shore. The three took it as a sign to rest and leave for the night.

"I think that boat is a sign, it's late. Let's go get some rest." Xingqiu pointed out as the two nodded and were about to stand up when they heard a voice call out their names.

"Hey, Xingqiu! Chongyun!" A voice yelled as the three looked behind them to see Beidou smiling and waving at them. "Goodmorning, Captain Beidou!" Chongyun exclaimed as her boat finally stopped. Beidou steadily stepped out of the boat to greet the three.

"Hey there! Why are you guys still up at this hour?" Beidou asked as the two just glared at Y/n who chuckled nervously. "I was sitting here to relax and for some alone time, but then these two joined me. So we stayed up this late." Y/n explained as Beidou just chuckled at the three.

"You three should rest, tomorrow is gonna be a big day." Beidou explained as the three nodded and walked away. But as Y/n was about to turn her back, she saw a familiar figure from afar. Beidou has already left and walked away from her boat probably to buy something, so it couldn't be her.

"Who is that?" Y/n mumbled as she squinted her eyes. The only thing she could see was white locks of hair. Y/n sighed and turned her back, not wanting to waste any more time and rest.

Y/n's POV:

When I arrived at the shore, everything felt so peaceful and calm. This is a miracle, nights like these are hard to see in Liyue Harbor. This place is always so busy, even at midnight.

[FINISHED] Crisis Lovers {Kazuha X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now