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After they visited the Kamisato Estate, they went back to their home and got ready to sleep. But Y/n wasn't having the best night.

"What's wrong, my love? Is something bothering you?" Kazuha spoke up, gently approaching her as she sat there with a gloomy look. "I feel empty just thinking about what Ayaka said earlier." She explained as Kazuha just sighed and opened his arms, motioning her to hug him.

Y/n quickly rushed towards him and tackled him into a hug. "Hey now, be careful. Remember, you're pregnant. I don't want you getting hurt." Kazuha chuckled and hugged her tightly while she just sobbed on his chest.

"Let it all out, pumpkin." He whispered and caressed her head. He brushed her hair away from her face as she continued to hug him tightly. (Ya'll notice the pun? No? Okay...)

"I just feel- so empty!! I miss my parents, I miss my twin sister (my stupid ass exposed this way too early but fine have the tea you all deserve 🙄), I miss my family... Most of all, I also miss Liyue. I've lived quite a good life there... I miss my hometown, I miss everything. If-If only I can go back in time, I'll make everything okay and we'll be living happily." She sobbed as Kazuha hummed in acknowledgement. "If we can, I'll go with you and make everything right beside you. We'll make everything possible together. But if that's not possible either, we'll make everything right in our current time. I'm sure we'll have kind and beautiful children; just like you." Kazuha replied and kissed her forehead.

"Re-really? You'll do that? For me?" She pulled away from his chest and stared at his eyes with her glistening ones. "Of course, Mi amor." Kazuha smiled as she giggled and kissed him on the lips.

"I love you, Mrs. Kaedehara." Kazuha chuckled and hugged her tightly. "What about our little Kaedehara?" She asked and pulled away to caress her pregnant belly.

"Of course I do, but no one can ever exceed my love for my lovely wife." Kazuha teased and showered her kisses all over her face. "Heyy, that tickles..." She laughed while Kazuha just smiled.

"Are you feeling better now?" He asked as he kissed her neck. "Yes, thank you." Y/n smiled and kissed him back.

After a while, both of them finally fell asleep. A few months after visiting the Kamisato Estate, Y/n decided she wanted to go back to Liyue to visit the place.

"Hey, Kazuha?" Y/n called out as Kazuha continued cooking in the kitchen. "Do you think we can make some arrangements to go visit Liyue?" Y/n asked as Kazuha stayed silent.

"Kazuha??" Y/n called out once again as Kazuha immediately stopped cooking and faced her. "Beidou's ship is coming here in Inazuma to pick up some items somewhere around 5-6 PM this week. Wanna go?" Kazuha explained as Y/n smiled and immediately nodded.

"Yes! Thank you so much! It's been a year and a half ever since I've left." Y/n explained as Kazuha smiled and opened his arms, inviting her for a hug. Y/n immediately tackled him into a hug as they almost fall to the ground.

"Hey now, you should-"

"You should be more careful when tackling someone into a hug, you're pregnant! How many times have I heard you say that?" Y/n mocked him as he just chuckled. "Is it not true?" Kazuha chuckled and patted her head.

"Well, yeah... It's true." Y/n chuckled while Kazuha just sighed and smiled. "Now now, go wait at the table while I prepare our breakfast." Kazuha then continued cooking as Y/n waited at the table.

Days go by, and after that conversation they had, Y/n kept anxiously waiting for the day Beidou's ship comes. "Darling? Are you okay? Need some water?" Kazuha asked, worried sick for his pregnant fiancée.

"No, I'm fine. I'm just PATIENTLY waiting for the boat to come." Y/n smiled while Kazuha just sighed. "Calm down, it'll come soon. Beidou didn't want to tell the exact date they'll be coming. Your birthday is coming up, too." Kazuha sighed.

Y/n audibly sighed as Kazuha's eyes suddenly lit up. "Darling, let's wait for the news tomorrow. We should sleep early today." Kazuha smiled while Y/n just glared at him suspiciously.

"Fine." Y/n confusedly obeyed while Kazuha just laughed. "Rest well." Kazuha chuckled and tucked her to sleep.

"I feel like a toddler being tucked into bed by her father, but the difference is the toddler is pregnant." Y/n stoically explained as Kazuha just chuckled nervously.

"That sounds so wrong, Y/n..." Kazuha sighed as he kissed her forehead. "Now now, you should get some rest." Y/n just sighed and slept.

The next day, Y/n was awoken by Kazuha. "Darling, we have to go. Get ready." Kazuha explained as he put his bag down and proceeded to take more things to put inside it.

"What? Why?" Y/n asked and forced herself to sit up, but couldn't since she is pregnant. "A little help would be appreciated, unless you want me to fall asleep once again." Y/n spoke up as Kazuha immediately helped her up.

"Beidou's ship is finally here, let's hurry before they leave." Kazuha explained as Y/n hurried and took her bag. She immediately packed her clothes and essentials before leaving their room.

"Y/n, did you pack all your clothes?" Kazuha asked while Y/n just sighed. "Of course I didn't, it's just one bag." She explained and showed him the bag almost overflowing. "Really... Huh." Kazuha chuckled.

"That's fine, we should go." Y/n nodded and let him lead the way. When they got out, Y/n saw that it was still dark outside. She estimated that it was around 5-6 AM.

"Why so early, love?" She asked as they walked to the shore. "No reason." Kazuha smiled and held her hand.

"Alright then..." Y/n sighed and yawned.

When they arrived, they were immediately greeted by Beidou. "Hey guys! You're quite early." Beidou greeted as the two smiled at her. "Yeah, we intended to do so. And also, can we go with you to go back in Liyue?" Kazuha asked as Beidou chuckled.

"Of course! You guys moving to Liyue or just visiting?" Beidou asked as Kazuha just laughed. "We're only visiting, we do not intend to leave our hometown. Especially since we'd want our children to be born here or in Watatsumi Island." He explained as Beidou smiled and nodded.

"I see, that's so thoughtful of you guys. Anyways, let's go to the boat. You guys arrived at the perfect timing, we were about to leave when I saw you guys arrive." Beidou explained as the two smiled and thanked her.

The boat then sailed as they waited for them to arrive in Liyue.

"Ah, I'm so excited! I miss Liyue so much!" Y/n exclaimed as Kazuha smiled. "I hope you enjoy Liyue." Kazuha smiled and kissed her forehead.

"I love you, Mon Cheri." Kazuha smiled while Y/n just smiled at him.

-To be Continued.

I'm sorry. 😭

I'm sorry again for that disgustang shish 😃

[FINISHED] Crisis Lovers {Kazuha X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now