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After putting the blindfold on Y/n, Kazuha smiled to himself and lead themselves to the beach where they first met each other for the first time. Upon arriving, Kazuha gently removed Y/n's blindfold which revealed the beach full with the flowers she had always loved, Dendrobium.

"Kazuha... You did this all, for me?" Y/n mumbled, looking at the beach with glistening eyes. "Of course, I asked multipe of my companions to help me find multiple Dendrobiums and make sure that it is alive so we can re-plant it in this part of the beach. Or would you like to take a few and take it back home? I've some prepared." Kazuha replied with a smile while Y/n just looked at him with teary eyes.

Kazuha smiled and kneeled on one knee, taking out something from his robe. "So, Y/n... Will you marry me, again?" Kazuha proposed as he awaited for her reply. Y/n stood there, frozen in shock. Y/n had her hand over her mouth as she stared at him with her eyes glistening, a tear slipping out from it. She was starting to tremble as Kazuha quickly put the ring away and stood up from his position to rush to her side.

"Oh, no no no. No one's crying on my sight." Kazuha rushed to her side and wiped her tears away with his knuckles. "Thank you so much, Kazuha. I've never had anyone surprise me like this ever since my parents died." She mumbled while Kazuha just sighed. "Yes, I know. That's why I prepared all of this for you, and for our childen." He uttered while Y/n just chuckled.

"How are you so sure we'll have more than one child?" She chuckled while Kazuha just smirked at her with a significant look he always gave her. "Oh, no no Kazuha. I don't think so, not happening-"

Kazuha pulled her waist close to him as he chuckled in her ears. "I'll make sure we'll have more than one, yeah?" Kazuha seductively whispered.

The next morning, Y/n woke up feeling all sore. She sighed to herself and caressed her bruised neck, happens all the time, goddammit. After she gathered enough strength to force herself to get out of bed despite the pain on her lower half, she cleaned herself up and took a refreshing bath.

While Kazuha came home from the city with more groceries. He went straight to their bedroom after cleaning up in the kitchen but didn't find Y/n there, which made him panic. "Y/n?" He called out, trying to calm himself down. "Yes?" Y/n replied, emphasizing it.

"What are you doing?" He asked, entering the bathroom. And upon entering, he saw Y/n taking a bath. "Taking a refreshing bath? You literally went so hard on me last night." She replied while Kazuha just chuckled. "Let me help you, I promise no kissing or touching. Just helping my fiancèe in peace." He spoke as Y/n just sighed and gave in to him.

Kazuha entered the inner bathroom and assisted his fiancèe to take a bath after their long night. Their day went good as usual, nothing special. A few months after Kazuha proposed to her, Y/n's bump became more obvious and bigger. After Y/n cooked their breakfast, the both of them discussed on how they'd break the news to others.

After cleaning up, they decided to eat and go out. They decided to check Ritou out since they haven't been there in ages.

It's been months after Y/n met the twins and they weren't even in Ritou that time. So the couple decided to visit. After a while, they finally went out.

The two arrived and was immediately greeted by familiar faces. "Hey there!" A person called out while Kazuha just smiled and waved back. Y/n giggled as Kazuha just smiled back at her. Then suddenly, someone they weren't expecting, bumped into them. "Oh, hey there!" Yoimiya waved at them as Y/n's smile quickly rose and rushed to her to hug her. "I didn't expect to bump into you, Y/n!" Yoimiya chuckled and hugged her back.

"I missed you so much!" Y/n exclaimed while Yoimiya just giggled. "I missed you too." Yoimiya smiled and patted her back. "I hope you're doing well now." Yoimiya spoke while Y/n just chuckled and pulled away from their hug.

[FINISHED] Crisis Lovers {Kazuha X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now