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The next day, Kazuha woke up earlier than Y/n and decided to make some breakfast for the both of them. After a while of cooking, Kazuha finished and visited Y/n in their room.

Kazuha found ber panicking, holding her stomach. "Kazuha... It's not my water that broke, this is blood!" Y/n yelled, her voice being hoarse.

Kazuha's POV:

When I woke up, I immediately started cooking our breakfast. After a while, I finally finished cooking and went back to our room, just to see a horrible sight.

Y/n's lower part of her dress stained with blood as she sat there in a panic, not knowing what to do. I froze, I didn't know what to do! This wasn't supposed to happen, was it? This is so sudden!

I was snapped back in reality when Y/n yelled. "Kazuha! Call someone for help! Quickly!" She yelled as I rushed to help her and yelled for help. Y/n's voice... She's whimpering and begging the gods for her children... Tears started to stream down my face as I try to help her.

After a while, a lot of our neighbors came. But someone unexpected was also there.

"Mother...?" Y/n spoke. I froze, I looked behind to see, my mother-in-law... "You're-... You're alive..." I mumbled as she sighed.

"This is no time to think about that! I'll explain later, we have to hurry!" She exclaims as I shook my head and nodded. After a while, we finally arrived at the hospital. They let me come in and assist Y/n, while everyone else had to wait outside.

It pained me to see her in this state, she looks like she's in a lot of pain...

The doctors could tell that one of the babies might not survive judging by the blood coming out of her.

Hearing those words, I panicked on the inside as I held her hands tightly. "It'll be okay, darling. They will be fine, we will go through this with all of us complete." I whispered as she started to cry. I don't know if it's out of pain or just everything in general...

Easy to say that her giving birth progress as not... Well, easy.

I had to stand there and hold her hand tightly for mental support while she gives birth to the three inside almost 9 hours.

My tears have run dry as I could only close my eyes and pray, while kissing her hand gently.

"Oh, dear Archons, please let them make it through this..." I mumbled as Y/n could only cry in pain.

'Dear Archons, please let all of my children live... I will stop anything negative that I'm doing, I will be a better person, a lover to Y/n, and a better father to my children. Please, just let them live...'

I can't say anything, honestly.... This is all too sudden. Her suddenly giving birth even though she's still a few days away from.he  due date, her water did not break but instead blood came out, which is giving us quite the fright, and her mother...

After giving birth to the last baby, the doctors did a little cheer since they managed to deliver all three babies safely.

"Mr. And Mrs! We did it! They all survived!" All the nurses and doctors cheered as both of us started crying tears of joy. "Thank you, dear Archons!" I exclaimed out of joy and kissed my wife.

Immediately after, she smiled at me and passed out. I held her hand in a panic as the doctors nodded at me, saying it was normal since she's tired and all.

After cleaning up the newborn babies, we were transported in a normal room for patients. They gave us our children and it turns out, we have 2 sons and 1 daughter...

[FINISHED] Crisis Lovers {Kazuha X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now