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Author's Point of View:

The next day, Lumine and Aether came to pick up Y/n.

"Good morning, Mrs. L/n! We're here to pick up Y/n." Aether smiled at Hairi who seemed confused.

"Pick her up? For what? She's currently sick and I don't think Kazuha would allow her." Hairi explained.

The twins sighed. Aether looked at Lumine to explain what was happening.

"Uhm, Mrs. L/n, she's the one who requested to come with us. She and Kazuha talked about this last night." Lumine smiled but Hairi wasn't having it.

"But that's the problem. They didn't understand each other. Kazuha didn't even sleep with Y/n in the same room, he slept with the triplets. Y/n was palpitating last night and I was awoken by one of the triplets who led me to her." Hairi sighed and let them inside to have a talk.

'This is tough.'

Haiti sighed and sat down. "I think they had a misunderstanding last night." Hairi sighed and stared at the twins who sat awkwardly.

"Uhm... We know she's currently sick, and there's a doctor in Liyue that can help her. She wanted to go alone, that's why they might've had an argument." Lumine sat still, not knowing what to say.

The twins felt awkward. Hairi didn't reply, she just sat there looking hopeless.

Soon, Y/n came out with her baggage. She still felt as bad as yesterday, but she was feeling a lot better.

"Y/n! You should've called us so we could have helped you." Aether quickly stood up and took her baggage.

"It's alright, I'm already feeling a lot better." Y/n replied with a weary smile.

"And mom... I'm sorry for last night. I promise I'll get better, I just need to take a visit to my doctor in Liyue." Y/n explained but Hairi didn't even glance at her.


Y/n tried to stop her tears and motioned for the twins to move along. She didn't want to see her mother crying.

The twins felt guilty, as if it's their fault this is happening.

But before they could even leave the house, her daughter ran to them and refused to let go.

"Mama!" Kasumi yelled and immediately hugged Y/n tightly.

Y/n couldn't contain her tears anymore and bursted.

"Sweetie, mommy will be back soon enough. Mommy is just sick and needs to visit the doctor." Y/n quavered and tried to gently push her away, but Kasumi clung to her like a raccoon.

"No! You leave us!" She yelled, desperately trying to pull her back in.

"Honey... I'll be back soon, okay? I'll bring lots of sweets for you so you can forgive mommy for leaving." Y/n kneeled and cupped Kasumi's cheeks.

She was crying.

"You promise?" Kasumi whimpered, looking at her mother with glistening eyes.

"I promise." Y/n smiled and wiped her tears away with her thumb.

"Okay, you promised to come back..." Kasumi reluctantly let go of Y/n and waved her goodbye.

"Wait for me, okay? I'll be back with lots of sweets and stories for you and your brothers." Y/n smiled and stood up.

[FINISHED] Crisis Lovers {Kazuha X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now