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Hello everyone!! I'm trying to experiment a little and I've decided to try a songfic!

Just a little introduction about songfics: songfics is a type of fanfiction format in a story where the author writes the lyrics of a specific song and it matches the flow of the story! Like a scene where you put a song over it to make it look more dramatic but a fanfic version! And the way the characters would relate to the lyrics! I just love the way songfics are so unique and fun to write.

That's all and I hope you all enjoy it!


Y/n turned around to see Xiao standing there in the corner, with his obvious frown plastered on his face.

"What are you doing here?" She asked as she held Kazuha's hands tighter in fear.

"I'm... I'm here to... Apologize, I want to make it up to you." Xiao explained as Y/n looked at him in shock.

"Is-Is that so?"

Xiao only nodded.

I wanna take you somewhere, so you know I care.

Y/n couldn't help but smile, she never thought of him becoming that way toward her, or anybody else.

He has never shown this side of himself to anyone, so it shocked her to see him like this.

But it's so cold and I don't know where.

But it feels weird if he became like this... He must be feeling awful.

"Thank you." Y/n smiled as she motioned Kazuha to speak up. "I apologize too if I seemed rude earlier," Kazuha spoke up as Xiao just nodded.

I brought you Daffodils in a pretty string,

"It's fine, I'm sorry for the way I... Uhm, well, treated you earlier." Xiao replied with a faint smile.

"I'm glad everything is settled. I finally have my best friend back." Y/n chuckled as Kazuha smiled back at her.

"I too am glad for you two," Kazuha replied with a warm smile.

But they won't flower like they did last spring.

"Should I let you two have some alone time?" Kazuha asked as Y/n just smiled and shook her head. "No, I want you to stay here. Let the three of us watch this beautiful sky." Y/n smiled as Kazuha nodded.

"Alright." Kazuha chuckled and lay on the railings.

I wanna kiss you make you feel alright,

The three of them then watched the night sky peacefully, with the two couples occasionally chuckling with each other, warm smiles being exchanged.

I'm just so tired to share my nights...

Xiao watched them in the corner, refusing to stand next to them. He felt awful, not just for what he did, but for the fact that Y/n got back with him.

'I never thought that I, an Adeptus, would feel this way towards a mere mortal.'

I wanna cry and I wanna love,

The two noticed that Xiao wasn't with them and motioned him to come near, but he refused.

"I refuse to come near anyone else. I tolerated the two of your presences and that's enough." Xiao replied and looked away as the two just chuckled.

"Alright then. If you feel a little lonely, come stand next to us." Y/n smiled at him with that smile, that smile she always gave him before.

[FINISHED] Crisis Lovers {Kazuha X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now