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The very next day, Kazuha informed Y/n about her moving in with him. Surprisingly, she agreed to it. "I didn't want to force you so I am giving you a choice. You can choose not to come with me. So, what do you pick?" Kazuha asked, looking at her eyes.

"Fine. I'll come with you." Y/n closed her eyes and sighed, a frown obvious on her lips. "Alright. Pack your things, I'll come back later." Kazuha smiled as he stood up. "I'll help you go back inside, come on." He offered as he reached out his hand, leaving Y/n no choice but to take it.

After leading her back to where she was resting, he left almost immediately.

"Tch. Leaving once again, just like what you did." Y/n mumbled under her breath as she sighed and started packing her things. Unfortunately, Kazuha heard it as a frown appeared on his face.

"I never left, remember? You were the one who did." Kazuha replied, directing a glare toward her. "Oh? Really? Would you be able to stay with the person who was the reason your loved ones died?" She asked as Kazuha just sighed.

"Just make it quick. I don't want to argue with you anymore. It'll be useless, anyway; with you not listening to my part." Kazuha mumbled to himself as he left her to tend to her things and pack them inside a bag.

A few moments later, Y/n walked out with multiple bags. Kazuha immediately rushed to her side and took the bags. Despite having just argued with her, he still cared for her and had the strength to help her.

"Can you walk on your own? I'll carry your things." Kazuha asked, taking the bags on his shoulders. "Yes. I can walk on my own." Y/n sighed as Kazuha nodded and told her to follow him to his home.

It was quite far from the estate but still close. As soon as they arrived, Kazuha lead her inside the room. The two of them would be alone every day in that house.

"....Thank you for having me," Y/n whispered, almost making it inaudible for Kazuha. Kazuha smiled and nodded. He then offered to arrange her things as Y/n just nodded and agreed, being too tired to walk or move around.

As Kazuha was arranging her things, Y/n fell asleep on the bed. And while doing all that, he found something that he didn't expect her to still have and keep.

He reached his hand out and pulled a green-colored bracelet out of the bag and looked at it. The bracelet had a space in the middle, seemingly where a "vision" would fit.

"This bracelet... She kept it the whole time?"


Kazuha's POV:

The day before I proposed to Y/n, I bought a souvenir from monstandt. I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do with it but still bought it back with me. On our way back to Inazuma, I kept quiet and thought of a few reasons to give it to her because she never likes it when I "waste" money on useless things for her.

"I can't remember the vivid reason I bought this for..." I mumbled to myself as I sat there and held the bracelet. As I was sitting, Beidou suddenly tapped my shoulders and asked if I was okay.

"You okay? You've been staring at that bracelet for quite a while now." Beidou asked, a smile plastered on her lips. "Oh! Yes, I'm fine. I just can't remember the vivid reason I bought it. All I can remember is that I'm giving this to Y/n-" I was cut off when Beidou gently hit my shoulders and laughed at me.

"You're such a forgetful person, aye? You even told us that you'll use that souvenir to propose to her. Perhaps you bought it for her vision?" Beidou spoke, making me remember the reason. "Oh! Oh, dear! Yes, that's it! Thank you, Captain Beidou!" I exclaimed in joy as I smiled at her, which she gave back.

[FINISHED] Crisis Lovers {Kazuha X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now