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Hey guys, you already know it's important when I announce it lol.

But joking aside, I'm sorry for being here once again. I know I haven't been uploading. And it's not because I don't want to, I actually want to if I'm being honest.

I just can't post right now, I've been feeling down lately and every night, I always cry. My heart always feels heavy every small things that goes wrong within my day. It's as if I'm so sensitive and those small things are my biggest problems.

I can't handle change, really. No, I'm not trying to sing, it's true. The change is that my cat died, and a lot of things has changed in me. And I don't know what to do with it, it feels wrong being in this body, it's as if it's not me. A lot had changed about me. The way I talk, walk, cry, cope, study. I don't know anymore.

I'm so sorry for this inconvenience, I realize just how my cat's death really affected me now. I never took myself to have "depression", my beliefs got ahead of me.

I never wanted to have that, I never wanted to have depression. I never took depression seriously, as I think it's not true and people are just lazy. I don't know. I feel like I'm the worst person to ever exist, and sometimes it's hard to get out of bed for me. Though I wouldn't have any other choice.

It's not physically hard for me, I'm just tired lol. But yeah, sometimes I get too tired from crying to the point that I go like "I don't feel like waking up today." smth like that.

If only things didn't end up this way, I would be in a better place. If I get through this, I hope it makes me stronger for the future.

Thank you all, and I hope everyone understands me this time. I'm so sorry once again, I know this is nonsense, but I'm going through a hard time right now and nobody knows of it. I don't have anyone to tell except you guys. You guys wouldn't judge me (would you?), you guys wouldn't go against me, and most importantly, you guys would understand.

People in the Internet tends to understand better than those who are around you.

Anyway, thank you all for the times I felt appreciated here. I hope I get through this and be back with you all.

I, myself, is scared of what I'm capable of. I don't know what I can o to myself.

[FINISHED] Crisis Lovers {Kazuha X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now