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Hi baahahha I'm here once again does anyone know how I can improve my English because I keep using the words "as" and "while" 😭



This chapter is all about the reader's back story.


Y/n approached her mother and hugged her tightly. Tears streamed down her face uncontrollably, she felt so much pity for her mother.

"I'm sorry mother, I had no idea it was like that for you. I've been so... Selfish. I used to think that I would never want to go back here ever again. I hated this place because of that incident. I hated this place for what happened, everything reminds me of what happened to Asha. Everything is just so painful, I loved her so much. And I love you too, a lot. Everything in general was just so painful for me, too excruciating. I never wanted to see anyone's faces ever again, I wanted to avoid everyone. But I didn't think how it would affect you, or whether or not you were still alive. I don't know how to explain but-... It hurts..." Y/n explained, hugging her mother tightly as she sobbed.

"Y/n..." Hairi didn't know what to say. She just hugged her back in tears.

"It's alright, honey. It's okay." Hairi whispered sweet nothings to her ear as she tried to calm her down. "I'm so sorry..." Y/n sobbed. Kazuha smiled and patted her back gently.

"What matters the most is that you're here, I'm here. We're all here, alive and well. That's all that matters. And even if she's not here anymore, she's somewhere safe where she doesn't have to go through war anymore. And speaking of Asha, she wouldn't like it if she saw you like this, right? You have your own family now, you should be happy. You can cry, but don't let it get you down, and let your life get dragged down because of it."

"She would be so proud of you if she sees how much you've matured and changed. Although she couldn't have her own family with Gorou, who she liked so much, at least she got to spend her last few moments with us. She's in a safe place now, so let's continue with our lives, but never forget her. She should always be in our hearts." Hairi explained. Y/n's body trembled, sobbing loudly as she hugged her mother tight.

"I just miss her so much, mom... She was my other half, she was my soul mate. My twin sister... It hurts losing a family member, now dad is with her. I can't handle the pain, mom..." She replied.

She couldn't explain what she was feeling, whether it was a feeling of relief or pure sorrow.

After countless apologies later, Kazuha finally managed to calm Y/n down. "I'm sorry, I got way too caught up with my emotions." Y/n sighed and wiped her tears away. Everyone waited for her to start, but she didn't.

Y/n hesitated to speak up, she was afraid, and she didn't know why. Kazuha sighed and caressed her back, reassuring her that everything's gonna be fine.

"It's alright. Take your time. Sometimes, keeping things to yourself will just make everything worse. Opening up to others about your experience might make you feel less heavy inside." Kazuha explained, hugging his fiancée who tried not to cry.

Discreetly wiping her tears away, she turned to look them in the eye and started to speak up.

"Every morning it's hard for me to wake up knowing I will never see her again." Y/n started explaining.

"Her name is Elise Asha, she's my twin sister. She was just 14 years old when she was harshly annihilated. I feel guilty for everything, honestly. I ruined her life by leaving her alone, I ruined her. I'm the reason why she went to Inazuma in the first place. I'm a bad influence. She died because of me." Y/n started to blame herseld for the things she couldn't control. Kazuha sighed and hugged her.

[FINISHED] Crisis Lovers {Kazuha X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now