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After explaining her story, Y/n passed out due to exhaustion. Kazuha catches her as soon as he felt her body falling.

"Oh, dear. It doesn't look too good for her. I'll go take her back in our room and let her rest, please watch over the children!" Kazuha immediately rushed back to their room with Y/n in his hands. It's detrimental for a woman like her who just gave birth.

As soon as Kazuha let her down, he rushed to get some water for her to drink when she woke up.

When Kazuha was walking back to their room, he peeked inside their children's room to see Ayato, Ayaka, and Thoma taking care of them while Hairi takes a rest.

Kazuha went back inside with a smile and waited for Y/n so the three could go back to the Kamisato Estate.

Kazuha sighed and admired Y/n who peacefully slept. He didn't realize how he was so captivated by Y/n. Her ethereal existence literally just made his whole life.

While staring, Y/n suddenly woke up. Kazuha immediately helped her sit up

"Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? Just tell me what you want, I'll always be beside you. And here, have this water." Kazuha handed her the water as she sighs and takes a sip of the water.

"I'm sorry, I was just so exhausted. I just became so evasive ever since she died. I hated everything and wanted to run away. Even when you started living with us, I kept trying to forget the pain. And I kept pretending I wasn't hurt, until it actually hurt." Y/n replied.

Kazuha sighed and held her hand, "It's okay, it's not your fault. I wouldn't know how to handle my pain if I were you." Kazuha smiled.

Y/n just smiled, if only she could show him more on how much she appreciates him.

"Oh no-, where's the kids?!" Y/n panicked, sitting up from her bed just to be pulled back. "Hey, hey. Calm down, they're safe. Mom and the three are taking care of them. You can rest for now." Kazuha reassured her and gently pushed her back down in the bed.

"A-Are you sure? What-what if-"

"You should rest." Kazuha forced the tense Y/n back to the bed. As soon as her back hit the soft bed, her eyes instantly closed.

Kazuha chuckled and stayed by her side while she rested.

After a while, Y/n was finally able to sleep without having to worry about the triplets.

After a while, Kazuha came out to see Hairi sleeping with their son in her chest, while the other two was with tha Kamisato siblings who also fell asleep with the newborn babies.

Kazuha smiled at the view. He felt safe and glad that someone would be able to help them.

As soon as Y/n woke up, she rushed to the room and saw Hairi, sleeping with her son, and Kazuha holding the other two carefully.

"Oh, Y/n. What are you doing here? You should rest more." Kazuha whispered, carefully putting the two back to the crib. The two immediately cried when they didn't feel Kazuha's hands anymore.

Kazuha verbally sighed and carried them again, chuckling at Y/n who was also laughing.

"About that... Are you sure you're okay? If it's okay with you, can you please hold our daughter?" Kazuha asked.

Y/n chuckled and approached them, taking their daughter from him.

Kazuha smiled as they both take care of the two.

Hairi and Kaito were sleeping peacefully while cuddling each other, which made the couple smile at them, appreciating the moment.

After the couple put the two to sleep, they decided to cook for their lunch.

[FINISHED] Crisis Lovers {Kazuha X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now