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Ok so this is my first time ranting in wattpad and in my books, so don't mind me hehe

This won't have any proper format so prepare yourselves because I will be ranting so hard about my crush 😻

Okay so firstly, my crush is a boy and he is the same age as me. He's taller than me which really surprised me at first because no one's ever been taller than me before. He's not the only one who's taller than me but he's the one I really like. He's so smart, and cute as hell. He's the standard, he's so kind and he also teases me sometimes because apparently he's also a goofy ass 😒 I have liked him ever since in elementary, but I didn't pursue him because I thought he liked my bestfriend who had been studying there for a few years already that time. I've had multiple crushes after him and even a whole ass relationship with a girl before face to face schools finally started again. When the first day of ftf school came, I of course tried to find familiar faces when I saw him, him who I have dearly missed. I finally saw him after almost 3 years of not seeing him. After I noticed him that day, I found myself looking for him the rest of the day since our seat was changed into alphabetical order. And ever since that day, I found myself always looking for him whenever we have face to face classes. I was really shocked by his height because I used to be taller than him, after some weeks, we were seated right next to each other and started talking by then. We catched up and told some new things about our life and talked about the past. After some time, we started talking every week now since we'd see each other on school twice a week. And that's also where our classmates started shipping us together. After some time, they just kept shipping us. Until it came to the point where I realized my feelings for him again after it faded away inside those almost 3 years of not having contact with each other. No one except a few of my close friends and one of my cousins knows about it. I started liking him the week after our monthly examination. I just kept liking him and it got deeper because he always talked to me about games and helped me with our school activities. And before our periodical exam, I gave him paper flowers (more like I had my classmate hand it to him for me because I was too shy) as a goodluck charm for the exam. One of my classmates saw it and squealed like a hyena got lost in our classroom. He went like "Oooohhh she's giving her bf paper flowers!!! OMG!" Smth like that. After that, he started to talk to me more frequently and approach me more often. Well, I like it so I didn't mind. I wonder what he's doing with the flower rn, hope he's taking good care of it and not just throwing it away 🥹 and the next day, we had to take another set of exam for the rest of the subjects. It went well, and in the middle of the day, my other classmate sat beside me while my crush sat next to him. He asked to borrow my hand-fan and I jokingly told him "exchange seats with _____ first before I let you borrow this" I whispered while he looked at me in shock and sat up while screaming, "J! (Nn for my other classmate, the one who squealed when I gave mu crush the paper flowers) she wants to sit next to ______!" And with that, he walked away from the seat and never sat beside me ever again for the rest of the day. And after that, my crush started to walk back and forth before our recess and eventually just sat to the empty seat next to me. When I noticed he sat next to me, I finally spoke to him. "Heyy!! I just wanted to ask if you want to play later? I'll be available since I don't have to review anymore." I said as he smiled and nodded. "Sure, I'll try." I smile and nod. "I just wanted you to sit next to me because I'm too lazy to stand up. (A lie)" I said while he just chuckled. "Yeah, lazy." And literally after that, we started to talk more frequent. And since we only meet each other in school, we only chat each other through messenger. Ever since our exam day, we have been chatting and playing with each other everyday. I hope this continues. I really like him so much and it's gotten worse when I first met him again after quarantine. I probably could say I love him. I feel confident about us because my old bestfriend isn't here anymore, like not in this country anymore. But that doesn't mean I'm glad that she's gone away from me. I do miss her, so much. But I'm glad I finally have a chance, other people always looked at her first before looking at me. Y'know what? I feel bad for even thinking of these things, she deserved to get those attention, she deserved it for she earned it in her own way. I think, she shone when I arrived in her life. I did too, with her by my side. I did better at school, and I actually got good grades. Since I was bullied from my old school, I was scared to trust anyone since I'd gotten used to being alone all the time. But she made me a better person. And in some ways, he also made me a better person. First, he made me realize that respecting other people's boundaries are the upper most priorities, he never did anything that made me uncomfortable, nor did I with him. I hust end up mirroring him, so we also end up sounding so awkward together back then. But I didn't mind, since I used to ship him with my bestfriend who didn't took any interest in him, I felt so sad deep inside. I used to have this small crush on him too back then, but when I realized that when he looks at her, his stare is different. I don't know what kind of different I'm talking about here, but I remember I used to observe him and see how he stares at her while I just observed from afar. I didn't mind, I was just a little kid back then and didn't know the true meaning of love. Not that I know it right now since I just healed from a pretty much no conversation relationship, but I had a smaller brain back then, and when I say smaller brain, I mean smaller perspective of a specific topic or my surroundings. I'm so dense to the point that I can't even notice who likes me or who likes someone. I've never noticed anything weird, because sometimes people just approach me and talk to me, heck I didn't even know that meant something else. And if he also liked me back then, I hope he wasn't too hurt for what I did 🥹 I shipped him and my bestfriend a lot back then and he always goes "ew! No way!!" Or something like that, AND ESPECIALLY MY BESTFRIEND, she would always go like "Him? Ugh, ew. Maybe it's you who has a crush on him" smth like that. She was right 😃 I shipped them so much to the point that I even forgot my small feelings I used to have for him back then. And FYI, the realization happened very quick, in a few days, my small crush on him disappeared because I really thought he liked my bestfriend. And I have a story to tell ya'll by the way. Back when I was in elementary, we were practicing for a dance for the whole day, and the chairs were put on the side so we can use the whole room. After the practice, we rested a bit and I sat down and then he sat down on the chair on my right, layed his head on the desk of the chair I was sitting in, and held myhand from under the desk since I put my hand on my lap that time. And then I caressed his hair, and did a circular motion with my thumb on his hand. We stayed like that for a while and I noticed that he was sweating like crazy. I don't really remember if it was him or someone else (damn hope not) but it happened. After that, we just acted like nothing happened. After the last day of school since quarantine happened, I never saw him again. Just in the screen. And on our high-school days, we were in seperate sections so we didn't even see each other through the screen. Now, we see each other every week 😝


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