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I present to you, the chapter y'all have been waiting for ✨

Before Y/n fell, Kazuha used his vision and protected the two of them from falling. Kazuha held Y/n by the waist, revealing her baby bump as they stood there in shock.

"Y/n! Are you okay?! Oh-, my..." Ver Goldet stopped as she saw her baby bump. Kazuha was quick with his feet and started to gently pick her up. "I'm sorry, I was rushing down to hide my tears, I'm sorry." Y/n replied, still trying to catch her breath. She panted and panted as she tried to calm herself down, she did just almost lose her baby.

"You're expecting, dear?" Ver Goldet asked as Y/n looked at her, to her pregnant belly, and back to her. "I-, well... I cant hide that fact, but yes, I am expecting." Y/n smiled with her slowly calming down.

"Congratulations! This calls for a celebration, don't you think?" Ver Goldet smiled while Y/n just chuckled. "We've gotten so much celebration for it, but thank you for the offer." Y/n chuckled as she then bid goodbyes to her.

"Alright then, see you two around. Take care AND make sure to not run on stairs ever again, alright?" Ver Goldet smiled as Y/n smiled back giddily. "Alright, thank you!" Y/n smiled as they walked back down with a smile this time. This time, Kazuha finally calmed down after witnessing how kind Ver Goldet was to her.

"I'm glad that people here are kind to you. Well, not all but I'm glad majority of them treated you fairly." Kazuha chuckled as their voice started to fade away since they're going down the stairs.

"I did not expect that at all. But I guess you already knew, right Xiao?" Ver Goldet smiled to herself as she watched the figure of the two slowly fade away. Xiao just stood there in the corner, frozen in shock as he just witnessed everything that happened.

He couldn't express what he was feeling, he couldn't express just how awful he felt. Due to these emotions, he left without saying a word.

He can't stop the pain in his heart, for some reason. He's an Adepti, how could this happen to him? The way he acted towards Y/n without knowing she was pregnant, she could've lost her precious baby... And the way he argued with her fiancée, he just felt horrible.

He sighed to himself, his voice trembling. He calmed himself down to stop the tears from falling.

After a while, the couple arrived back in Liyue and explored there. Although she wanted to visit the outer part of Liyue, Kazuha convinced her to go to Liyue first.

After a while of walking around, the two arrived to where Xiangling was cooking. "Hey Xiangling! How's the restaurant doing?" Y/n greeted as she sat down.

"Oh, you know! It's doing great! A lot of people going in and out, it's been doing so good lately! And who is this you came with?" Xiangling asked with a huge smile plastered on her face. "That's good to hear! You know, I just came back from Inazuma. I can teach you some new recipes if you want? And this is my fiancée! He's also from Inazuma." Y/n replied as Xiangling just laughed in response.

"I'd love to! But probably not right now, I'm pretty busy myself. And that's good to hear! I'm glad you're doing okay now." Xiangling giggled as Y/n smiled and nodded. "Sure, good luck! We'll get going, we need to go somewhere." Y/n was about to stand up with Kazuha but then Chongyun with Xingqiu suddenly arrived.

"Oh, hey there Y/n!" Chongyun greeted as they sat beside her. "Oh, hey you two! We were about to go! How have you two been?" Y/n exclaimed as she held Kazuha's hands tightly.

"Oh, we're doing great! Still going strong and happy, how about you? We haven't seen you in MONTHS." Xingqiu exaggerated while Chongyun just laughed. "Oh, stop being so dramatic. It's only a whole year! And I'm doing awesome!" Y/n replied while the two just laughed.

"ONLY a year? God Y/n you must've missed your hometown that bad." Xingqiu joked while Y/n just laughed. "Oh come on, of course I have! It's been years since I've been in that city, y'know?" Y/n chatted and chatted as Kazuha patiently waited for her to finish.

After a while of chatting and exchanging words, the three finally bid goodbyes as the couple stood up and walked away. Y/n sighed in relief as she walked around the place with Kazuha.

"Seems like you've missed this place a lot." Kazuha chuckled as Y/n just laughed. "A lot is an understatement." Y/n giggled out of joy as they kept walking around until Y/n felt tired. They stopped in front of the Chasm as they stood there, not knowing what to do.

"Let's calm down a bit, I've never been here before..." Y/n spoke up as Kazuha chuckled. "Let's go." Kazuha smiled as they walked away from the Chasm. They never had any intention to enter the place, because they knew how dangerous it is. And of course, no one would want to get hurt when they're pregnant.

As they were walking away, a dark figure watched over them. Seemingly upset, and worried.

After a while, the two finally arrived back in Liyue. They decided to go to Wangshu Inn once again to eat, since she missed their food there.

"I missed their food that they cook here!" Y/n exclaimed as they walked inside. "I'm quite excited to try it too, if I'm being honest. Based by your reaction, it must taste heavenly." Kazuha chuckled as Y/n just laughed.

"It would seem that heavenly is an understatement, love." Y/n chuckled as they went inside and sat down. After a while, their food finally arrived.

They then started to eat. "Mm, this is indeed delicious." Kazuha smiled as he took another bite. "Told ya." Y/n giggled and continued to eat her fpod.

After a while, they finally finished eating and decided to go upstairs to see the night sky from there. Although something bad happened to them there at the same day, they wanted to experience to see the view of the night sky together.

The two arrived at the scene as the stars shone at them. "It is indeed beautiful, but not as beautiful as you." Kazuha smiled as they held each other's hands while staring at the night sky.

"Wait-, I feel another person's presence." Kazuha spoke up as he put Y/n behind him. "No, wait. This presence feels... Familiar." Y/n replied as she tightened her grip on his hands.


To be Continued.


[FINISHED] Crisis Lovers {Kazuha X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now