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I didn't realize how long I went inactive... I've been busy 😭


Y/n's Point of View:

After giving us more necessities for the children, the twins decided they'd be leaving when the next boat comes, which would be tomorrow.

Kazuha held all of the things we had from the city and the other things the twins gave to us, which is quite a lot. We really owe them big time.

After a little more of chitchat, the twins finally decided to leave for they had a lot of people to say goodbye to.

I'm slightly shocked that we were the first one they thought of to meet, as they said that they have not met anyone else except The Raiden Shogun and Yae Miko.

Probably Kojou Sara too, but who knows? Maybe Kazuha has really helped them a lot, or me, or just both of us. Overall I'm just glad we met.

"Our family wishes you the best journey ahead of you, take care." I smiled with tears in my eyes. They were our closest friends, which made me a little bit emotional. Postpartum really does exist...

It took a while until I finally calmed down. After everything, we decided to go back home and rest. We had a lot in our hands.

The twins decided to see the sunset before they leave for Sumeru, so we decided to let them have some alone time.

"Thank you for everything, Lumine and Aether. You two has been a lot of help."

As soon as we left, Kazuha striked up a conversation, bringing up the topic of our marriage.

The kids were in the strollers, peacefully sleeping. We really do owe the twins a lot for this.

"What do you have in mind for our marriage, love?" He asked, pushing the stroller. We had one each.

"I, I don't know, should it be fancy? I'm thinking of a budget wedding for us. I just want to be married with the love of my life and the father of my children." I replied.

Kazuha could only chuckle at my response.

"I have a connection in Monstandt and they would be glad to get us married there, though it means we can only invite a few people from here." He explained.

That's where Mom butted in.

"But how about the kids? Are you planning on going there by boat? Or do you have anything else in mind? The kids might not be able to handle the sea. The invited guests are fine, but the problem is the children." Mom continously explained, obviously worried for the triplets.

I looked over to Kazuha who slowly looked at me. We laughed at each other until mom just left us and started walking faster.

"Alright alright, sorry. Of course we'd be there to take care of them. I know my children, once they sense us they'd calm down." I explained.

"Don't get too imperturbable." Mom glared at me and stopped us, serious this time.

"First, it's gonna be a long process, especially since you're not in your hometown, you might not know how it works there. Second, it'll be hard because you won't be familiar with anyone there, as for you didn't originate there. Most importantly, it's just not right to do it there. Not there. It's a free country, who knows what danger it has inside for being so carefree? You two have children for gods sake."

I was speechless. Now that she's mentioned it, I realized that it was just a bad idea.

"Mom has a point, dear. Why don't we just get married here? That way it'll be easier." I replied, trying to calm my mom down by agreeing with her. I honestly don't mind THAT much, but I don't want to get in so much trouble with our marriage.

"Then let's do it in Liyue?" He suggested.

I could only sigh.

"No, Kazuha. Mom is right, we'd have so much trouble getting married in other nations." I sighed, continuing on walking since it's getting darker and darker every moment.

They followed along, since we all had babies in our hands.

"You have a lot of connections in Liyue, why not use it for this situation?" He insisted, which I just rolled my eyes at.

"You're right, but mom has a point here. I don't mind that much but it would be easier to get married here, and we'd have all our closest friends witness it." I explained.

Kazuha didn't stop there, he was persistent on getting married in other nations. I don't know what's his problem, but it led us to getting into an argument.

"A no is a no, Kazuha! We are not getting married elsewhere other than Inazuma! It's the two of us getting married, and if we don't get along about the venue, maybe it's better to just not get married." I yelled uncontrollably.

My voice woke up my daughter who I was pushing in the stroller. I rushed to her and picked her up to calm her down, I didn't mean to wake her up...

"You're raising your voice again, just like last time. This shows how we never really made up. Did we just build a family out of pity? Had children to get along after our huge misunderstanding for years?" He muttered softly.

That was the last straw for me.

"Don't you dare bring that up right now, we're arguing about where we're gonna get married. Do you think I'd agree to get married to someone I'm not in good terms with? You're making me sound like the bad guy." I glared at him and put my daughter back in the stroller and started walking back home.

On our way back, mom kept silent. I think because shes blaming herself for us arguing, and I guessed correctly.

"Y/n... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you two argue." She explained. I just laughed at her and put the baby down in the crib.

"It's not your fault mom, it's between us. You needn't to apologise for something you didn't do." I replied, hugging her tightly.

She couldn't stop her tears and hugged me back just as tight.

Kazuha and I didn't talk at all and just took care of the children without glancing at the other.

I took a shower and didn't go to sleep just yet. I stayed in the kitchen for a while and stared at the night sky.

I didn't want to argue with him again, but I was just so mad and he didn't accept his wrong.

While I was deep in my thoughts, I heard some footsteps approaching. I didn't bother looking back, I already know it's just Kazuha.

Though I'm worried that the babies are left alone in our room, I think it's alright. We won't be out for too long, and mom is probably inside anyway.

"Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" I asked, still looking out of the window.

"Yes, next to you." He replied, sitting next to me. I looked behind to see him staring at me with a gentle smile.

"I'm sorry, I now realize I was wrong. I kept bringing up the past I couldn't move on from. I'm sorry, love." He stated at me lovingly while caressing my hand.

I couldn't hold back my smile as tears streamed down my face.

He scooted closer to me and captured my lips. It was heavenly. I kissed back and cupped his cheeks.

He pulled away and invited me inside our room to rest. It's been a long day.

To be Continued.

Shocked that this is only around 1.2K words when I worked on this in my notepad for DAYS, maybe a week now... UGHHHHHHHHHH

[FINISHED] Crisis Lovers {Kazuha X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now