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"Is Y/n your fiancée? We're kind of worried for her health. We've noticed she's been quite tired lately." Xingqiu explained as Kazuha sighed and smiled. "She's fine, but I'd rather you ask her for information. She's been quite hard to talk to ever since we heard of... A few news." Kazuha replied as the couple sighed.

"Well, we tried. But thank you, at least we got a little clue. Thank you and I hope that she gets better soon. Thank you once again." Xingqiu smiled and left with Chongyun hand to hand.

Kazuha sighed in relief, thankful that they didn't bother him for more. At that point, Kazuha had no idea what to do, so he just let Y/n do as she wants before they go back to Inazuma.

Y/n didn't go anywhere specific, but stayed close to her friends as the day goes. Kazuha felt relieved to see her smiling once again. The night arrived as they left to go back to their house.

On their way back, Kazuha held her hand tightly, which made Y/n smile. "I'm sorry." Y/n suddenly spoke up as Kazuha looked at her who was already smiling. "For what?" He asked.

"I'm just sorry. And know that I love you dearly." Y/n chuckled and put his hand on her stomach as they continued walking. "As much as I love these three. I know they will all survive in the name of love." Y/n chuckled at her own joke as Kazuha couldn't help but laugh back.

As soon as they arrived back, the both of them started to pack up. After Y/n finished, which took a little while, she started cooking their dinner before they go on a long trip back to Inazuma.

After Kazuha recognized the smell, he immediately rushed to the kitchen and saw Y/n, working around despite having a huge baby bump. "Oh, dear. You should've just waited for me so I could have cooked for us. I don't want to tire you out, especially since we are in a critical condition right now, remember?" Kazuha gently hugged her from behind as she just chuckled.

"We're fine, we're both doing good. Well, I could say they are." Y/n whispered then chuckled, while Kazuha just sighed. "I heard that. Anyways, let me help you." Kazuha then took the spatula out of her hands and gently push her aside, leaving nothing to do for her.

"Hey, I started cooking first." Y/n laughed then took a seat while waiting for Kazuha to finish the meal. Y/n sighed and let herself get engulfed in her thoughts.

Y/n's POV:

I absolutely have no idea how to handle the news. I'm so scared for my children, but I have no choice but to stand up again because if I continue to fall, we all fall. I decided to spend some time with my friends and listen to Kazuha's advice.

I dressed up and went out of our house with Kazuha. When I appeared, I was immediately noticed by Yanfei, a kindhearted half human, half Adepti. I waved and greeted her back with a smile, I always love being around her due to her personality making the atmosphere lighter.

"Hey there, Y/n! How have you been? I heard you just got discharged..." Yanfei asked, a bit saddened by the fact that I got confined for a few days. I smiled. "Well, I've been doing great after getting discharged last week. I mean, I just passed out from exhaustion so I guess I can say I'm doing great today. Me being pregnant just made the situation a bit heavier than usual, that's all." I explained but has never told anyone about the real situation.

She smiled back and sighed in relief, "Thank the Archons it's not serious. Well, I hope you have a nice day!" Yanfei then bids goodbye as Kazuha immediately pulled me aside. "Why did you lie? Tell me, Y/n, are you trying to hide something from everyone?" Kazuha suddenly spoke.

I looked at him in shock, which immediately turned into confusion and anger. "No? I have nothing to hide, Kazuha. What are you trying to imply? That I'm still not trustworthy to you?" I glared at him and walked away. After that, I walked and walked until I met with my friends. There's no way he could've seen through me. Wait, did the doctor tell him something about it? I hope not...

Zhongli was the first one to greet me. I smiled upon hearing their voices as I walk towards them eagerly. "Hey there! Nice to see you're proud of your progress." Xingqiu stated as I just smiled.

"Of course, I wouldn't exchange it for anything else." I replied as they all just chuckled. After a while of chatting with them, I noticed Xingqiu and Chongyun talking to Kazuha.


After a while of spending time with them, we finally went back home. On our way back, I was thinking of what they could have talked about.

"I'm sorry." I spoke up and smiled, still holding Kazuha's hands. Tears swelled in my eyes as I tried to stop it from falling. "For what?" He asked.

"Nothing, I just am. Just know that I love you, and these three." I chuckled and put his hands on my stomach. I started to cry and looked away, as Kazuha kept laughing.

I feel so, tired. I don't know how to tell him, I have no plans on how to do it. How do I let it happen...

I sighed and kept smiling. Just smile and smile, until you forget.

Oh how I wish the doctor never told me about it.

After a while, we finally arrived back home as we both started to pack our things. After I finished, I went to the kitchen and started cooking our dinner before we go on a long trip.

While cooking, my tears anonymously fell as I started sobbing quietly. I feel so afraid of what's gonna happen and how it's gonna go. I don't want it to happen yet, it's way too early... I don't know what else to do now.

After a while, I could hear Kazuha walk inside as I quickly wipe my tears away. "Oh, dear... You should've called me so I would have cooked. I don't want to tire you out, especially since our situation is quite critical." Kazuha then hugged me from behind. I just chuckled and kissed him on the cheeks.

"We're fine, see? We can even dance. Well, I can say they are." I whispered, joking about something he will never know. "I heard that. Anyways, let me continue cooking." He then snatched the spatula away from my hand.

"Hey, I started cooking first." I laughed and sat down, calming myself down and thought of things.

How I hope it helps when I'm back in Inazuma...

I'm so scared.

To be Continued.

Hahahahahhaahha I'm so excited to write it 🤫

[FINISHED] Crisis Lovers {Kazuha X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now