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I suggest re-reading the chapters 1-11 since I made some changes for this back story to match up.

"We forgot the wedding..." Y/n whispered. Everyone else looked at them in shock.

"No way, you forgot your own wedding??!" Ayaka exclaimed, waking the babies up as they all started to cry. "Ayaka! Don't yell, it'll wake the babies up." Ayato replied as Ayaka smiled and chuckled nervously.

"I'm so sorry..." Ayaka whispered as Y/n just sighed and took her son from Ayato. Kazuha held their daughter as the couple tried to stop them from crying.

"You guys should go now, we'll talk after we get discharged." Y/n dismissed them as the Kamisato siblings walked out of the room with Thoma.

Hairi decided to help and carried one of Y/n's sons.

After a while, the babies finally calmed down and fell asleep. Y/n sighed as she laid her body down, feeling the exhaustion and fatigue catch up to her.

"You should take a rest, Y/n. I'll take over for now." Kazuha stated as Y/n smiled and closed her eyes. "You should rest too, Kazuha. I'll take care of this, don't worry. I'm used to newborn babies." Hairi explained as Kazuha smiled at her and nodded.

He then handed his daughter to Hairi. "Thank you so much, mom." Kazuha smiled as he sat down to the chair next to Y/n's bed and dozed off.

"They both deserve to rest after what they've been put through."

After a while, they were finally discharged and was able to go home. Ayato, Thoma, and Ayaka helped them go back to their home as they were gonna talk about something important.

"Thank you so much for the help, Ayaka. I really appreciate it." Y/n smiled as Ayaka just smiled back. "No worries! We're actually glad to be a help to you and your family." Ayaka replied.

After a while, they finally arrived back home as they immediately put the babies down. Thankfully, they didn't cry that much on their way home.

After putting the babies down, they sat down and started talking. They were in the same room as the babies for safety purposes.

"To start explaining things, let me just clarify some things. Firstly, I didn't mean these events to happen. I never wanted it to go this way." Hairi explained as they all nodded.

Kazuha and Y/n sat close to their children's cribs as they listened to Hairi's story.

"It went like this..."

Hairi's POV:

While I was tending to my plants, I heard my husband's panicking voice. It made me worry so I looked behind and saw him, drenched in sweat as he tried to explain something to me.

"Oh dear, let's go back inside!" I exclaimed as I ran towards him out of worry. "No-No! We can't! Kazuha is in trouble! I need to go back there and help him run away from those bastards!" He explained as I looked at him in confusion and panic.

"What? Why is he in trouble?" I asked as my husband panted. "He took his friends' vision after he was defeated by the Raiden Shogun. We need to help him!" He exclaimed then ran away afterwards, leaving me in a panicked state.

"Y/n! You've got to come out right now! Y-Your fiancée is in trouble! He went to t-take his friends' vision after he was defeated by the Raiden Shogun a-and now the Tenryou Commission's hunting him down!" I yelled. Heavy rain suddenly dropped as I tried to see. I always hated it whenever it rained, and it definitely didn't help that we're in a critical situation.

Y/n immediately came out and gave me a hat to cover myself from the rain. "Mom? What's wrong?! Where's Kazuha?? Go inside, mom! It's raining hard!" She yelled as I nodded and went back inside.

I sighed and started to cry as I sat down, trying to calm myself down. I didn't know what to do...

I kept panicking and panicking until I just broke down. I hated myself for not knowing what to do that time... I always panic, not knowing what to do, just standing there looking like an idiot.

I stood up and peeked outside even though it was raining so hard. I saw them running for their lives as my husband prepared a boat for them.

I kept sobbing as I watched them run. When Y/n arrived at the beach with Kazuha, I saw how Kojou Sara managed to catch her and hold her wrist. I felt so bad that I kept sobbing.

When Y/n's vision was taken, I felt my world fall apart. I know how important it is to her, I know how she loved it and cherished it.

I felt my heart drop to my stomach, watching as my daughter froze and looked at her bracelet in sadness. But then, my husband pulled her to the boat and pushed it away.

The Tenryou Commissions tried to stop him, but they couldn't.

It was as if the world stopped as my sight darkened, watching my husband get brutally murdered by them.

I froze on my spot as tears streamed down my face. I didn't even get to hear his last words, he didn't even manage to watch our daughter walk down the aisle and marry Kazuha, he didn't even manage to fight back for his life...

My tears was constantly getting replaced as I fell to my knees. My heart ached so much, I can't handle it anymore.

I could hear footsteps, it's probably the Tenryou Commissions of some ninjas... They entered our home as I kneeled in front of them.

My tears streaming down my face as they glared me down. But they didn't hurt me, they just... Stood there.

One of them sighed and reached out their hand as I looked at them curiously.

"Here's your husband's vision. I'm sorry, Mrs. Hairi. I couldn't stop them from... Killing him, our mission was to only retrieve the vision from them." The soldier spoke as I took the vision from his hand, tears falling on it.

I started to sob hysterically and I couldn't breathe anymore. I yelled in despair as I held the vision close to me, not wanting to let go of the last memory I have of him.

"Why!? WHY?! JUST KILL ME, PLEASE! OH DEAR ARCHONS, WHY DID YOU LET THIS HAPPEN!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as my tears didn't stop.

"Why..." I whimpered as I fell to the ground, my eyes closing as I gripped his vision tightly in my hands.

"Let's go, we should let her have some time for herself." The soldiers spoke as I just kept sobbing.

After they left, I continued to sob on the floor.

A few hours later, I felt so tired as I tried to stand up and slowly walk to the door. I tried to look for his body and found it still laying on the beach.

I mustered all the strength I have left and ran to the beach, even if I kept tripping and falling on my face. It hurts, but I eventually arrived to where he was laying down.

"HAYATE!!" I yelled as I hugged his body tight. He was starting to decompose, and I hated it. I kept crying and crying, trying to heal him. But nothing worked, I was too late.

I hugged him tightly and yelled, anguished.

I didn't know what to do anymore, the love of my life already died. My lungs are hurting, my throat is itchy, my eyes are tired, my whole body is aching, and my heart is aching so much.

I cried and cried until I can't anymore. My tears have run dry as it ran out, my body limping on top of his. Despite how tired I was, I managed to carry his body away from the shore.

Soon enough, the Tenryou Commissions came back. I don't know if it was for Hayate's body or what, but I didn't care. Since there were only two of them who came, I ran towards them and tackled them to the ground.

Using my vision, I beat them up until they weren't breathing anymore. Though I had a bit of trouble with them fighting back. I panted as tears fell from my eyes, exhausted from everything that happened.

Their bodies laid on the sand, both lifeless. I sighed as I wiped the blood away from my hands as I just stood there, not knowing what to do next.

I slowly walked back to Hayate's dead body, my body already close to giving up due to tiredness.

'Maybe, "Forever" was a word meant for memories and not people.'

To be Continued.

[FINISHED] Crisis Lovers {Kazuha X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now