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Ever since Kazuha found out that Y/n is pregnant, he became overprotective of her. He also started to treat her gently, as if she was a glass that would break in an instant if you hold it. "Hey, Kazuha? Are you awake? I'm gonna go to the city and buy us some stuff, stay safe here." Y/n called out and was about to walk out of their home but Kazuha held her wrist.

"I'm coming with you," He spoke and smiled while Y/n just sighed. "I can take care of myself, you go rest. You came home very late last night, go sleep more." She replied but Kazuha wouldn't budge and didn't let go of her wrist. "Kazuha," Y/n spoke, looking back at him with a glare.

"If you don't let go of my hand right now, you know what will happen." She mumbled as Kazuha just sighed. "I don't know, and I don't need to know. I will come with you and that's final." Kazuha replied. Y/n sighed and pulled her wrists from his grasp.

Y/n used her vision and pushed Kazuha back inside their room. She walked back inside and used the power of the wind to calm him down, which made him fall asleep in no time. "Works like a charm," Y/n chuckled to herself and went on her way to the city.

When she arrived, she was met by the twins along with Kojou Sara. She smiled at them and continued to buy the stuff she needed. "Hey, Y/n! How're you doing? Hope your visit to the doctor last week went well." Lumine greeted while Y/n just smiled at them and nodded. "Hey! I'm doing fine, and yes, the visit went very well. We got some good news from the doctor." She replied as Lumine smiled at her.

"What's the news about?" Aether suddenly butts it after finishing his conversation with Kojou Sara while she went after him. "Hey, don't cut me off.! And yeah, what's it about?" Lumine asked while Y/n just chuckled at them.

"Well, I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant with Kazuha's child." Y/n announced. The twins, including Kojou Sara, stood there, frozen in shock. "WHAT?! REALLY?! OMG, I WON THE BET!!" Aether exclaimed while Y/n just looked at him in shock. "Really now??" Y/n just glared at him as she just sighed.

"Aether!! You should've kept your mouth shut!!" Lumine exclaimed while Aether just chuckled. "Congratulations, L/n. Or should I say Kaedehara?" Kojou Sara spoke.

Y/n looked at her in shock but hesitantly smiled. "Thank you, Kojou Sara. I'm sorry for the way I've treated you all these years. I still can't bring myself to forgive you for what happened, and might never do. But understand that I will not physically act on it, as we are already living in good terms now." Y/n replied as Kojou Sara slowly smiled at her. "No, I'm the one who should be apologizing. I'm sorry for what happened to your father, and I wish you good luck with your new life and family. I understand if you feel that way towards me, I made some permanent change in your life too." Kojou Sara bowed down and smiled at her as she walked away.

"I should probably get going, Kazuha would get mad if I get home late," Y/n explained as the twins smiled and waved her goodbye. "Alright, take care!" The twins bid their goodbyes as Y/n walked back to their home.

As Y/n was walking back to their home, she spotted the place where they first met each other. She stopped on her track and looked at the beach. It changed so much.

"There's one thing for sure that didn't change, it's the beautiful view. I'd love to stay but Kazuha would get worried. I'll take you home next time, Dendrobiums." Y/n walked off with a smile on her face. With the groceries in hand, she arrived home with no problem.

"Y/n! Why would you do that?! Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" Kazuha rushed immediately as soon as she was in his sight. "Kazuha, I'm fine. I'm not hurt anywhere and the baby is safe. I even managed to make you fall asleep, do you think I'm not capable of anything?" Y/n spoke as she put the groceries down next to the doorway.

She looked at him and crossed her shoulders at Kazuha who just sighed. "It's not like that at all, つま。 I meant to say that you should've bought me with you to help carry some things and protect you just in case of danger. I don't want to tire you out, my dear." He replied as Y/n just sighed. "Just because I don't understand Japanese that much anymore doesn't mean you can take advantage of it, 混蛋. Anyhow, nothing happened to me, see? I'm perfectly fine. そんな心配性。" Y/n sighed and picked the groceries up to take them to the kitchen.

"Sigh, what did she even say? I don't understand Chinese... I only understood the last part..." (let's pretend Liyue people sometimes speak Chinese) Kazuha mumbled to himself and followed after her. Once he arrived at the kitchen, he saw Y/n using her vision to carry the other things while she carry the others with her own hands. "Let me help you with that," Kazuha then approached the bags and took out their contents.

"Thanks." Y/n smiled and continued to take the groceries out of the bag. "Are you feeling okay? Anything you're craving for dinner tonight?" He asked as he carried the vegetables.

"Probably some chicken, can you do that? The baby wants it." Y/n spoke as Kazuha smiled. "Sure, if the baby wants it." Kazuha chuckled and caressed Y/n's small stomach with a small bump. "You're talking to my stomach, not the baby. It's not alive yet, 旦那ーさん。" Y/n chuckled as Kazuha just laughed.

"It's alright, it'll be alive in no time." Kazuha smiled. "Sure." Y/n just laughed.

After some time, the both of them fell asleep in their room, and due to tiredness, they slept soundly.

After a while, they were still sleeping when Y/n suddenly jerked awake and saw Kazuha sleeping next to her in their room. "Mm, Y/n? What's wrong?" Kazuha woke up and looked at her in confusion. Y/n didn't speak, but Kazuha knew that she wasn't feeling good. "Y/n?" Kazuha sat up as Y/n tried to calm her rapid heartbeat.

"I... I had, I had a weird dream."

[FINISHED] Crisis Lovers {Kazuha X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now