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"I... I see," Kazuha mumbled. "I apologize. I know that everything is my fault, I will do my best to make everything better in this country, and make it liveable. I'll get you back, I promise you that." Kazuha smiled at her as she just nodded, trying to resist her smile. After eating, Y/n was shocked when she found out that she could stand up on her own now, and it doesn't hurt anymore when she does.

"I-I can stand up on my own now..." She mumbled, leaving her crutches on the side and trying to walk on her own. "You're already healed just like that? The experts said you'll take months to heal from that high fall." He asked as Y/n just chuckled at him.

"Don't forget, I can also heal. Even without my vision, it still works but slower." She explained, looking at Kazuha who looked visibly shocked. "Woah, that's awesome." Kazuha chuckled and continued to eat his meal.

This continued for weeks until Kazuha had to depart to go with Beidou, which left her alone in the house. She felt lonely, but she didn't have a choice. She even hasn't decided if she forgives him or not, she didn't have any right to miss his presence, but why?

"Why? Why just... Why? I haven't even decided about us, and yet here I am. Missing him after spending time with him. And in just a short time, he manages to steal my heart once again. Why... Just... Why?! I spent years in Liyue, why now? I... I was starting to like him, too. Lord Barbatos, Morax, and Raiden... Why? I hate this feeling, it makes me unable to decide. A part of me wants to hate him forever and never forgive him, but the other half wants to forgive him and hug him tightly, kiss him passionately, cuddle him, and love him..." She yelled to herself as she fall to her knees, her tears blocking her eyesight.

"Everything is a blur, I can't determine or control my future. Mona taught me the ways of Astrology, yet I still can't figure it out. Maybe I really wasn't built for love." She mumbled to herself, breaking down in tears. She sobbed and sobbed until she fell on her back.

"Maybe I shouldn't leave her all alone here..." Kazuha mumbled to himself, watching behind the door as she cry to herself. "What am I saying? I said I'll give her time. Sigh, I'll let her figure it out."

Kazuha then ran away to go to Beidou.

That day, Y/n fell asleep on the couch, all alone. But she was awoken by someone, probably their neighbor.

Y/n's POV:

"...Y/n! Y/n!! Wake up! Y/n! Kazuha and Beidou joined a battle against Kojou Sara!" Someone yelled as I woke up and blinked. Who is this? And why the hell are they yelling in my ears?

"H-Huh? Excuse me?" I asked, sitting up and looking at them clearly. It was grannie! "Kazuha joined Beidou to fight against Kojou Sara! Quick, I know where they are! Let's go before they close the space!" Grannie exclaimed as I quickly stood up, which made my back ache once again but this time, I was sure it wouldn't hurt anymore. There was no reason for it to hurt again!

I tried not to let grannie notice and run with her as quickly as my back could handle. Grannie stopped to look at me who ran past her, but she just looked at me with those eyes, those eyes which knew whatever pain I'm feeling.

"What's wrong? You're holding back your strength." She stated, looking into my eyes deeply. "You're injured? And where's your vision?" She continuously asked as I just stood there out of disappointment.

"It's... A long story, but I'll explain it to you once our situation is stable." I explained as she just sighed and nodded. "Alright."

We continued until we arrived at the place. Everyone was fighting against each other as I looked around and saw... The twin travelers!? What are they doing here?!

[FINISHED] Crisis Lovers {Kazuha X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now