Chapter Two

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After school he could barely contain his excitement, the long cold walk back to the house hardly even bothered him as he thought over what happened.

He was going to the dragon riders academy.


He was going!

He didn't even care about the eyes that followed him down the dreary streets. Because, as of today. He would join the academy and make a good future for himself as a dragon rider.

It didn't matter what job he got, letter boy, package deliveries, street sweeper. He would be happy with anything.

That happiness continued all the way to the rundown house. He spotted Mrs. Foster in the front yard, trying to pull sticks out of the gutter.

When she heard him she looked back, heaving an exhausted sigh and motioning for him to come over. He listened happily and went to stand beside her. "I need you to get on the roof and pull this junk out."

He froze. Get on the roof? That's not a safe place to be.. "b-but I-" he immediately snapped his mouth shut when she looked back at him. It was pointless to say anything, he could tell her mind was made up already.


That explains his situation now. Sitting on a wooden bored precariously placed over old rotting roof shingles and trying his best to balance. He had gone through more than half of the gutters and was nearly done, the only one remaining was behind the house, hanging over the cobbled street.

Mrs. Foster was watching him like a hawk, hands on her hips and everything. Making sure he cleaned it well.

He went to grab the last stick but it was bloated from water and stuck tight in the gutter. His hands were red and freezing and his whole body shook from the cold. "What's taking you so long?"

"I-I'm sorry, I-It's stuck."

She sighed heavily and walked closer, grabbing hold of the latter and taking it away from the wall. She started whacking at the gutter and he quickly withdrew his hands.

Eventually it cracked and he was able to pull the stick out. He went to step down onto the latter but immediately remembered it wasn't there. It was too late though, he slipped off the roof and landed in a heap on the cold wet stone ground.

"Oh my god!"

Mrs. Foster dropped the latter and walked over to him. She bent down and turned him over. He whimpered in pained and grabbed at his aching ribs, still trying to catch his breath.
"You stupid, stupid boy!"

Her voice was a loud whisper, looking around nervously to see if anyone had seen what happened. When she realized they were alone she sighed angrily. "Why didn't you wait? You better not have broken anything."

"I-I'm sorry..!" he managed to wheeze out, leave it to him to be stupid enough not to check for the latter. "Get up now, I don't want people to think something happened."

It was difficult but he managed to stand. Deciding not to mention his likely broken ribs that screamed in pain whenever he breathed. "Get inside now, we have dinner to make."

He followed her into the house and they soon got busy making food. It was becoming increasingly more difficult to ignore the pain, and she seemed to notice that something was off. But, she didn't say anything.

And neither did he.

~      ~      ~      ~      ~

"So, what did you do in school today?" Mr. Foster spoke, the first time he had acknowledged Sora's presence since he got home. "U-Uhm, we had a math test. And uh.. we're learning about sea life."

The man scoffed.
"Those teachers and their obsession with spewing nonsense all day. All you need to know is how to build a house, cook and clean. Everything else is useless." He tried to hide his disagreement with a simple hum. It worked. The man continued going on about his role in life and what he's good for. Cooking and cleaning mostly, according to Mr. Foster.

Sora only half listened, enough so he wouldn't get in trouble but also not taking the words to heart.

That is, until dragon riders were brought up.

"And I'd bet a pretty penny none of those snotty brats even know the price of bread! It's unnatural, for a child to believe they're soulmates with a dragon. A stupid flying lizard is all they are."

That hurt.

He knew now that telling them about joining the D.R.A would certainly be disastrous. If he told them, they would probably keep him locked in his room so he couldn't join.

It's normally easy for him to brush off the insults, ignore the crude sexiest jokes, take everything people say with a grain of salt. But that..

'A stupid flying lizard is all they are'

That hurt..

it hurt to hear such childish rude insults to describe dragons and their soulmates. Mr. Foster continues his hateful rant, concluding in the end, that the world would be better off without dragons or their kin.

That night. Sora went to bed but didn't sleep. He lay awake just thinking.

Dragons had always been his favorite thing to learn about. In the orphanage it was the only books he read over and over, trying to memorize every detail. Every quirk they have, every ability.

It kept him sane when he was bullied at school, it was the only thing he could remember being happy about. Being proud with the knowledge he had.

Dragon riders were incredible. They were so lucky and he couldn't imagine a world without them.

Once a dragon chooses a soulmate, they're bonded forever. They become kin, family.

It's always been his dream to meet a dragon rider. To talk with one would make his life feel complete. Now he has an opportunity to try and be one, but if the Fosters find out that could all be ruined..

So he won't tell them. It's decided.

He will pretend nothing is going on, he'll act normal, be good, stay out of trouble.

And then,


He will get to be more than a stupid orphan boy.

He will get to be more than a stupid orphan boy

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