Chapter Fourty Five

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Authors note:

Chapter 2 of 3 in a Triple upload, enjoy!


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The boy's whole body was stiff as they waited for the small group of dragons to show up. The remainder of his life would be decided today and that thought alone was enough to make him sick to his stomach.

He felt like at any minute he could faint, any minute he could throw up.
It was the worse feeling he'd ever experienced, and he'd experienced some pretty bad things before. On the street or in the orphanage, but no other anxiety or panic was comparable to the onslaught of dread that filled his body now.

Then he heard it. The whooosh of large wings. No one else seemed to have noticed it yet.

He looked up, expecting to see the dragons descending to them right then, but the cloudy sky was still clear of the beasts he heard.

15 seconds felt like an eternity to wait before he finally saw them. Eight dragons, slicing through clouds as they glided down to the small group of students on the field.

When the others noticed, they cheered, hopeful voices rising into the air at the prospect of finding their Soulmate.

When the beasts landed Sora felt like the wind they'd stirred up might knock him to the ground. He looked at each dragon as the others ran over to greet them.

Mr, Baker walked with the small crowd of students, trying to keep things under control.

Sora stayed put where he was as the dread grew in his chest. He loved every dragon here, he knew each one was special and important in their own way. Beautiful and majestic.

But, he also knew that none of them would choose him.

He knew their Souls belonged elsewhere. In fact, there was only one of the eight dragons on the field that he thought would be one of his classmates' Soulmate.

The tears were in his eyes before he could even find said classmate in the small crowd, his shoulders began shaking with the sobs that threatened to rip through his chest.

He didn't want to embarrass himself even more by letting his peers see the meltdown, so he quickly turned around and headed for the large tree that stood nearer to the edge of the field.

The same tree he'd felt comfortable under last time he was left without a Soulmate. But this time was different.

He couldn't pull himself together enough to even think about drawing as a distraction, something he'd always found solace in when life was determined to cut him down.

This time there was no drawing to comfort himself, he hadn't even thought to bring his notebook. Still sitting atop the saddle that was no longer his temporary friend.

So instead, he just sat on the cold snow and sobbed quietly. Letting the sadness, dread and despair that he fought so desperately against finally consume him.

The snow started falling soon after he sat down, little white crystals collecting in his blonde hair like fallen hopes and dreams.

His body finally destitute of the naïveté that kept him believing that somehow, he could still find a meaningful purpose in his life. That he could do something good. Help people even.

. . .

He didn't know how long he'd been crying for when suddenly, he felt a warm hand rest atop his head, another grabbing gently at one of his arms covering his face as the shadow of someone crouching in front of him blocked the bright field. Washed white in the newly fallen snow.

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