Chapter Eighteen

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Sora was frozen on the spot just staring into Kazua's vibrant yellow eyes.

The large dragons head was resting on his shoulder, causing the boy to lean slightly from the weight of it.

For a moment the beast thought maybe he'd done the wrong thing to comfort him, but then again he had stopped crying.


he'd stopped doing anything altogether and was just sitting there frozen on the spot like a deer in lamp light.

"He would like you to know that he likes your drawing."

Sora's mouth fell open slightly in shock.

When had the dragon seen his drawings?

And wait, he liked them?

He spluttered a few nonsensical sounds and had to remind himself to breathe a few times before he could actually get anything coherent out.


Kazua chuffed happily, his smoke filled breathe ruffling Sora's hair.

A wide grin spread onto his face and he began squealing happily.

That is, until he remembered he wasn't alone. His face burned from embarrassment at such an outburst, but the two onlookers didn't seem bothered at all.

If anything, Kazua seemed amused and Aiden just had a pretty smile stretching across his face.

Satisfied that he wasn't crying anymore the large dragon moved his head away, instead, walking around the boy to stand next to his human.

"So, you plan on sitting here for the remainder of class?"

Sora nodded, the smile dropping from his face as he remembered his predicament.

'I could have the little ones come talk to him?'

'That would seem very strange, I'm not sure it's a good idea. And anyway he's already said that he doesn't mesh well with them.'

Sora sat awkwardly as they spoke to each other through their Mind-Link.

He couldn't exactly ask what they were talking about since it was a private conversation, otherwise the Prince would have spoken his part aloud.

So all he could do was sit and be confused.

Something else was bothering him as well.. Why was he allowed to look the King in the eyes? Normally that's a one way ticket to a world of pain, especially if you're a human and not a dragon.

But the beast didn't seem to mind at all. In fact, he's the one that started it.

As he thought of all the possible reasons for that, his eyes wondered around the dragons form, taking in all the details once more.

He was pleased to have gotten a large number of things correct in his sketch of the two, but now that he was closer he could see even more detail.

His body was primarily white with black accents, namely the horns on his back, or the scales closer to his wings.

Sora greedily took in all the information he could, since this might very well be the only time he could see the dragon close enough for his eyes to actually see him.

The speckling of gold across his chest caught his attention next, his eyes trailing the line of misshapen dots that littered the gastrosteges.

Black wings that seem to be dipped in snowy white rested gently at his sides, the tips of them almost brushing the ground.

Sora's eyes then trailed down his muscular legs, stopping to admire that a few of his claws are also black, with one gold one on his front right paw.

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