Chapter Fourty Two

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Authors note:

Hey ya'll! This is chapter 1 of 2 in a double upload, hope you enjoy!


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It felt like his heart would leap right out of his chest with how fast it was beating. He couldn't believe Aiden would buy him such a meaningful gift without any reason to, let alone a personalized one that must have costed a lot extra, and it was scented. and it smelled so good!

He couldn't stop the happy tears that left him and he couldn't stop himself from hugging the Prince. When Aiden wrapped his arms around the boy's waist it just felt so comfortable, so safe.

That's why he had enough courage to lean his body forward and press his lips against the Prince's jaw, he would've gone for his cheek if he could reach it.

"N-Nobody has ever g-gotten me something l-like this before.."


The boy nodded, staring dazedly into the Prince's eyes.

"Well, I plan on getting you many more gifts, so you'll just have to get used to it."

Sora's eyes went wide at the concept of being gifted more then two gifts when he couldn't properly reciprocate the kindness. But Aiden didn't seem to notice his dilemma.

"I already have plans."

"W-What?? Y-You don't hav-"

"-to get you anything, I know. But I'm going to do it anyway if it makes you happy."

Sora bit his lip, blush blooming across his cheeks in a bright pink.

"B-But I c-can't get you a-anything.."

Aiden's grin faded into a warm smile and he leaned forward to press a soft kiss onto the top of Sora's hair. The boy's cheeks grew hot from the attention.

"And you don't need to. I just like it when you're happy."

Sora pursed his lips, he couldn't possibly accept more gifts and give nothing in return, but before he could protest Aiden spoke again.

"If you want to get me something that badly.."

The boy nodded eagerly, he could find work somewhere right? Surely if he worked long enough he would be able to get the Prince something nice.

But Aiden surprised him yet again with his next words.

"Then all I want is a kiss. It doesn't have to be on the lips, anywhere is fine. A cheek kiss will be enough for me if you really want to give me something."

Sora was frozen on the spot. He liked it? The boy had never been in a situation before where someone actively wanted his attention and happiness, let alone where someone actually cared for him and not just what he could give.

His mind went back to a girl in the orphanage that he'd 'dated' for a short time when he started working for the post office as a letter writer. For all his flaws and shortcomings he at least had that going for himself.

Being good at reading and writing was a blessing when he sucked at everything else and he was thankful to have nice handwriting. Mostly learned from copying the calligraphy and cursive text in the books he read.
He was happy when the girl asked to 'date' him, mostly because he'd never had a friend before and he thought that's what it meant.

She would constantly ask him for money that he hardly had, and being stupid he'd given it to her. It ended though when she had tried to kiss him, just the thought grossed him out at the time so he ran, actually ran.

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