Chapter Fourty One

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Authors Note:

Hey ya'll, sorry it's been so long since I've updated I've been really busy trying to deal with YouTube stuff, I hope you enjoy these two chapters!

This is chapter 2 of 2 in the double upload.


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After their escapade in the leather shop they made it to the street that housed a marketplace that they would have to walk through on foot to reach the candle shop.

Again, Aiden took the boy's hand to help him out of the carriage. But unlike last time where they were on a less populated street, the market was a beehive of activity.

Sora clung close to his side and Aiden took the opportunity to place his arm around the boy's shoulders as they began walking through the crowd. The Prince was very thankful he remembered to grab a cloak, otherwise he would be swarmed with people right now.

"I forgot it was the winter market.."

Sora said softly as they weaved through people.

"Have you ever been here during the market?"

The boy shook his head.

"N-No, I've wanted to walk through it before but there's always so many people that I would get pushed around too much by myself. A-And it's not like I'd be able to buy anything.."

The last part was whispered to himself but the Prince still heard it. He glanced around all the different stalls to see if there was anything Sora might be interested in.

He spotted a stall selling art supplies and was about to ask if Sora wanted to look at it when he heard the boy gasp quietly, turning to look he noticed Sora was staring at a small food and drink stand that had a rather colourful banner advertising some type of apple drink.

"They have more flavours this year."

"Do you want to try it?"

"Oh, uhm.. w-we don't have to, I don't want to bother you."

The Prince chuckled softly and started walking them in that direction.

"I asked if you wanted to try it, that means it won't bother me."

He glance to Sora briefly as they waited to cross through a group of people, the boy's cheeks were that delectable shade of red he loved so much.

"Have you tried it before?"

The boy shook his head, not letting his eyes leave the ground.

"N-No, I-I've never been able to."

"Okay, well now we get to try it for the first time together."

Sora nodded, evidently feeling too shy to look at him still which Aiden was disappointed about. But that disappointment quickly left when the boy leaned into him more, pressing their sides together.

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After getting their drinks they made their way down an ally and towards the candle shop, stopping just outside the door.

"What do you think?"

"Mmmm~ it's good, thank you!"

The Prince chuckled, his cheeks hurting from how much he'd been smiling.

"Do you want to try mine?"

Sora nodded and they traded drinks. Aiden rather liked the pear one he'd gotten but the apple was good too, he figured the pear was his favorite because it tasted similar to a wine his father often serves at parties.

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