Chapter Seven

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Authors note:

This is chapter 2 of 2 in the double upload, so if you haven't read chapter six you should go do that first. I hope you enjoy!

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The large dragon stared down the small notebook like a predator stalking it's prey.

His yellow eyes were narrowed in confusion. At first glance it could almost be assumed that it was simply a photograph. But the unfinished outline of the stage and scenery around it was enough to tell you that it was, in fact, a drawing.

'A very exquisite drawing. Perhaps I should inform Aiden about this and request to see it closer.' Although he knew his human well enough to understand that he would likely not appreciate the artwork nearly as much.

He has been drawn by many people before trying to win his praise or attention. So, safe to say a drawing will not impress him very much anymore, no matter how exquisite or flattering the composition is.

And it was indeed flattering on them both.

He moved behind the little human after the boy came back to continue his work. Thankfully, he didn't seem to realize he was being watched from over his shoulder.

Kazua dared to get closer now that the boys back was to him.

He noticed other details that were previously too small. He had drawn out all the separate scales that cover the large dragon, even going so far as to add the small swirling embroidery on the saddle blanket across his back.

Not to mention his eyes were scarily accurate.

The beast had been drawn in several portraits with his human. But none had managed to capture the true shape or look of his eyes, they weren't allowed to look him in the eyes. That resulted in some less than beautiful yellow orbs in the portraits and quite frankly, he was not a fan of any of them.

They all focused on his human after all. Not even taking the time to individually draw each beautiful scale that adored his body.

He was pleasantly surprised to see that upon further inspection, his humans face wasn't even finished.
In fact, there was less detail placed on him altogether and the little human wasn't even working on fixing it.

He was busy completing the horns that lined Kazua's tail. Humming softly to himself an out of key melody that the dragon didn't recognize.

It was a very peaceful time.

Usually he would be busy patrolling the colony territory, flying or training with his human, or dealing with colony issues. But today, right then. He decided to give himself a break from all that and just watch the drawing be completed.

And of course he wasn't there only to ogle at how beautiful he looked in it.

But it is nice to see a human finally appreciating my looks and not embellishing Aiden's. He thought.

And if he was slightly more inclined to like the little human because of that, well.

He wouldn't tell anyone that information.

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The day ended quicker than he had hoped. After his last class Sora made his way back to the house, trying his best to avoid people like usual; that was difficult when he ended up staring straight at someone while thinking, he could thank his bad vision for that.

Not to mention his book bag was rather heavy with all the new books he was given to study for his classes.
Books about dragons were usually heavy with many pages, he could recall barely being strong enough to lift the one at the orphanage that he was trying to read.

Although he was only 8 so he can't be too embarrassed about that.

What he can be embarrassed about is the fact his bag is currently more holey than a church on Sunday.

It was a bag he was given by the church many years ago with scripture all over it and lots of crosses. He was almost happy it was finally falling apart, with holes ripping through seams and the straps hanging on by a thread it was thankfully time to get a new one.

He was going to try getting one tomorrow on his was to class, so it's good he'd been saving up for awhile to get a new one.

There's no way the Fosters would pay for a book bag. Knowing them, they'd just tell him to carry all the books by hand and stop whining.

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He got to the house just in time to start on dinner with Mrs. Foster. But he was surprised to find that she wasn't at the house at all. Neither was Mr. Foster but he usually wasn't back until 9:00 ish and it was only 7:30 so that wasn't strange.
He eventually found a note on the kitchen counter.

I have gone out to the market. There are all the ingredients you need to make dinner in the cabinets and icebox. Make sure it's done by the time we get back, Garret will be home around 9:00 and he won't be happy to wait.

He sighed, and sat his bag on the table. At least if he started now dinner should be ready in time, but he didn't have the spare time to put his things in his room so he would just have to work around it.

By 9:21 dinner was ready. He left everything in its place- making sure to extinguish the stove flame before going up to his room.

He changed clothes quickly and carefully placed the uniform out of sight before replacing the sock he put under the leaking roof that morning. It leaked with even a light rain so he was thankful it would begin snowing soon.

But, that also meant he was about to get really cold..

The front door shutting caught his attention and he hurried up putting his bag away to slip back downstairs.
Mr. Foster was waiting in the kitchen when he got down. The man turned around and frowned heavily at him.
"Where's Rebecca?"

"S-She's at the market, sir. She left a note." He motioned to the note and the man glanced at it briefly before going to sit down at the table.

Sora knew that meant he was ready for food and thankfully he had watched Mrs. Foster serve him enough times to know how he liked everything and what all to give him.

Once Mr. Foster was eating Sora got a plate for himself and sat down on the opposite side of the table on his stool.
He didn't get an actual chair because they were too expensive for the Fosters to even consider buying just for him.

Besides, a stool wasn't so bad. At least he didn't have to sit on the floor.

Although he was used to that too.

Although he was used to that too

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