Chapter Thirty Eight

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The Prince's smile faded from his face at the use of his formal title, even more so when Sora removed his arms from across his shoulders and leaned away slightly.

"What's wrong?"

Things were going so well with the boy, they were having fun, he'd even managed to make him giggle and got to practically hug him. But now Sora seemed uncomfortable, nervous even.

"Did I do something wr-"

"N-No.. no I'm okay."

The Prince's smile didn't return and neither did Sora's. Aiden didn't want to let him go but now it felt like he was holding Sora against his will and he certainly didn't want to that either.

But before moving, he decided to question again.

"Are you sure? You seem uncomfortable now."

The boy sighed shakily and looked at him. Just stared into his eyes for a long time, the longest time he'd ever made eye contact with the Prince.

"If I did something you don't like I want you to tell m-"

"B-Before.." He started, immediately making the Prince snap his mouth shut to listen. "Y-You.." He sighed. "I-I don't know, I-It just seemed like y-you were.. uhm.. f-flirting, w-with me.."

Sora's cheeks were the reddest he'd ever seen and Aiden was inclined to believe his weren't too far off from that either, if the burning on his face was a good indicator.

The Prince didn't quite know what to say, his eyes stuck wide and lips pursed. He couldn't deny the obvious, he didn't really hide his flirting.

He'd flirted with Sora in the past, but that was subtle. Resting his arm across the boy's shoulders as they sat on the bench, or holding Sora's hand so the boy would fiddle with his fingers. Heck, he'd even said before that Sora looked cute.

Granted it was in the context of him looking cute when he was frustrated, but that still counted, didn't it?

Evidently Aiden took too long to think of an answer because he was suddenly pulled from his thoughts by a quiet whimper. Sora had backed away from him, his arms now wrapped around himself and Aiden could see the tears falling down his cheeks.

"N-Never mind.. F-Forget what I said, Y-Your, Highness.. I'm s-sorr-"

"You were right..!"

The boy's eyes went wide, he looked up quickly and stared at the Prince.
Aiden cleared his throat nervously.

"I-I was flirting with you. So, I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I'll stop.

Unless.. you don't want me to..?"

"Y-You were.."

Aiden nodded as Sora brought his hand up and covered his mouth. The Prince was confused, until the boy whispered.

"B-But I thought t-that was forbidden..!"

Aiden frowned. That makes sense as to why he seemed so scared now, but he still didn't understand where the boy got that idea from.

"Why would it be forbidden?"

Sora swallowed back the lump in his throat, both of his hands moving to fidget intensely with the cuff of his sleeve.

"T-The king.. h-he forbade a-a pauper from romancing you.. d-didn't he..?"

The Prince smiled with relief, if that is what Sora was afraid of then he was happy to deliver some more secretive news.

"Oh, that. Uhm, I-I actually came up with that rule."

Sora gasped, his eyes going even wider. Aiden chuckled nervously.

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