Chapter Seventeen

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He looked back up at the large female dragon who was very much the centre of attention for a number of his peers.

She was very beautiful, almost every scale on her body was a dark forest green. Her belly scales being the only contrast with specklings of grey and white.

The crown like horns on her head were thick and imposing, creating an air of dominance that surrounds her.

He was currently drawing her.

Since he couldn't ask the dragons questions or interact with them like the others he settled for observing everything he could and writing it down.

He was very thankful to have brought his notebook.

Although now he was just drawing her, with nothing left to write and nearly 7 pages of scribbled notes to look at later, he decided to just have fun and try to capture her likeness in a drawing.

He was about to finish the scales on her tail when a loud snap! from behind caught him off guard.

He jumped, a loud squeal leaving his lips as he hurried to see what was behind him.

Only to make eye contact with a flustered Prince.

Prince Aiden was frozen on the spot for a few seconds, his expression stuck in a slight grimace as he internally chastised himself for not looking where he was going.

But that quickly faded as he composed himself again, continuing to walk towards Sora as if nothing had happened. If Sora didn't catch the way he slightly bit his lip he might've believed the Prince wasn't that bothered with the slip up and it was all in his head.

But he did see it.

"I apologize for startling you." Aiden began once he was close enough that it wasn't awkward to talk. "That's your class right?"

Sora snapped out of his inner monologue and nodded shakily, still trying to calm down from the scare.

"Why are you all the way over here then? You can't find your Soulmate or learn more about them from here."

The boy pulled his knees up to his chest, effectively hiding his notebook and trying hard to steady his breathing so he could actually give a coherent answer. But here was a Prince talking to him.

"U-Uhm.. I a-already met everyone
Y-Your, Highness."

Aiden frowned. That didn't really answer his question.

"I see, so why are you over here then?"

"T-They're not my S-Soulmate.."

"And how do you know that?"

Sora opened his mouth to speak but paused before any noise came out. He pursed his lips, looking down at his lap.

Aiden took a deep breath now that he wasn't looking. He still needed to ask how he ended up in the closet but that could wait.

The Prince walked over in front of Sora so he was out of the wind, the tree Sora was leaning on blocked it pretty well.

"Maybe you just need to be around them more?"

Sora sighed heavily. "N-No.. I know they're not for m-me."

Again, the Prince frowned.

"How do you know?"

"It's just a feeling, I-I guess.. their Energies and mine are too d-different to work together.."

Aiden couldn't quite understand what he meant. Maybe that he's not dominant like the dragons? But that sounds stupid, a dragon will always be more dominant than a human. he thought.

'Ask him about their studies. Aren't the students supposed to be learning more about the little ones first hand right now?'

Kazua had a good point. He'd almost forgot about that part already.

"Okay, well I guess if you don't think any of them would pick you as a Soulmate that's understandable. Sometimes you just meet someone who doesn't mesh well with you."

Sora looked up at him shyly, nodding along to what he said without much thought.

"But, this is still the time you're supposed to be learning about them first hand. Asking questions, practicing communication when you don't have a Mind-Link. In the field you have to communicate with dragons you can't directly get answers from all the time. It's a very important skill."

Sora nodded again, biting his lip slightly and looking back down to his lap.

Aiden noticed him fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.

"I-I would.. but.."

He sighed, tucking his legs closer to himself. It was embarrassing enough to know that he was too little to push into the crowd and not get utterly trampled. But it was even more embarrassing to admit that fact to a Prince.

Not to mention a very attractive prince who also happened to be a Dragon Rider himself.


"B-But they're too much.. m-my classmates, I wouldn't be a-able to get close enough to the dragon to e-even ask my questions.. a-and if I did theres n-no way they'd give the t-time of day to speak.."

he sniffled quietly, trying not to start sobbing on the spot from the embarrassment or sadness of not being able to participate like he wanted to.

But he was failing.

Aiden's frown deepened. He knew the other students were a little.. extra to say the least, but he didn't think it was that bad. It wasn't like that for him.

Then again he did get special treatment for being a Prince. Something that he often overlooked or didn't notice since it was an every day occurrence, but maybe for this situation it was a very good thing.

'Do something, say something! don't just stand there like an idiot!' The grating voice of his Soulmate boomed through their Mind-Link.

The obvious annoyance wasn't unusual to hear, but the concern for a human other than himself was.

Aiden swallowed back the hesitation and internally scrambled for something to say.

"Why don't you tell your teacher then?"

The boy wiped his eyes and Aiden noticed he had started crying.

"H-He's got a-a lot to deal with
a-already.. t-there's no p-point in bothering him m-more.."

Sora was softly sniffling and breathing heavy as he cried. He felt very embarrassed for breaking down in front of Prince Aiden and just wished that he would leave already so the boy could be crying pathetically on his own.

Aiden didn't know what to do. He wasn't used to comforting people who were this upset, he wasn't good at it either.

'Dear Holy Earth, you've just made everything worse!' Kazua's loud voice in his head was less than pleasant on a regular basis, but angry Kazua's loud voice was an absolute headache.

Before Aiden could spew out some haphazardly put together sentence the large dragon placed his head on Sora's shoulder.

The boy jumped, looking up with wide eyes and coming face to face with the King for the first time since the showcase.

The boy jumped, looking up with wide eyes and coming face to face with the King for the first time since the showcase

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