Chapter Five

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Authors note:

This is the second chapter of the double upload, I hope you enjoy! :)

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~One week later~

He scrambled out of bed that morning, long before the sun even rose. He made sure to put on the academy uniform and then regular clothes on top so the Fosters wouldn't suspect anything.

The walk to the Castle was a long one. Even with two layers of clothing the cold air sept into his clothes, the wind stung his skin and eyes, but he wouldn't let himself be discouraged.

Even with chattering teeth he pressed onwards to the Castle. The early morning guards still stared and the flickers of light from broken street lamps did little to aid his bad vision.

But eventually he made it in one piece.

After showing the guard at the gate his ID (keycard) he was directed to the entrance of the academy. Thankfully, it was warm inside.

He made his way to his designated locker and put the regular clothes inside, leaving him in only the academy uniform, sans the signature expensive black shoes most of the students wore.

I need to save up enough money to get new shoes anyway, hopefully I won't get in trouble before I can afford them. He thought it would be a requirement in the dress code, but instead it seemed to be just a trend among students staff and faculty.

Although it made him stick out like a sore thumb he wasn't that bothered. His hight and looks turned heads on a regular basis anyway. I doubt fancy shoes would change that. he thought.

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He continued his way through the building, making sure to stay out of peoples way and just generally try to be invisible. He finally arrived at his classroom, a bit early. But, better early than late.

There were three other students in the room, all doing their own thing. He started looking at all the name tags on the designated seats, trying to find his.

He found it in the front of the third row, directly in front of the teachers desk..

He sighed mentally and sat down, getting out his note books and making sure to place his bag between his feet so it couldn't trip anyone.

The last thing he needed was to trip someone on his first day and be a nuisance to his new peers and teacher.


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Eventually people started filing into the room, all taking their seats. He was thankful no one really paid any attention to him.

He continued sketching in his notebook until the chatter suddenly stopped. When he looked up an old man was walking to the desk.

The old man who helped him get into the academy.

The man didn't say anything and began writing on the blackboard.
Sora started getting excited as the seconds passed.

He recognized the scientific name for the dragons body parts and common abilities.

"Now, can anyone tell me what part of a dragon is responsible for producing the protective mucus that allows them to breathe fire without getting burnt?" A few students raised their hands skeptically, Sora followed their example. Hoping he would be chosen to answer.

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